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UTC 11 : 13 Jul 27, 2024
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#Maehwa #Ninja #Witch #Lahn #Drakania
Returning maehwa player looking for a main
Apr 26, 2024, 11:44 (UTC)
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Last Edit : Apr 26, 2024, 11:44 (UTC)
# 1

Hey, I've spent last few days researching classes and game changes and I sorta have enough and want to finally start playing. The thing is, as far as I understand it would be beneficial to start from scratch with a season character. I was maehwa player back before awakenings (136 ap lol) were added to the game, I sorta quitted cold turkey after mistakenly wasting my high failstack on +3 balenos fishing rod.

As a player I could definetely describe myself through my previous main experiences in other games (most of these were never perfect classes but had mechanics that I enjoyed and could overlook certain issues).


- mage (highly mobile - alter time, blink, invisibility, huge outplay potential, glass cannon, fire is probably the most enjoyable caster character ever for me)
- ww monk (highly mobile again, hated fist weapons, played it only for gameplay)

- monk (engaging rotation - optimal drift, multiple charges of gap close ability without having an access to ranged skills made it tight to play in certain scenarios, again hated fist weapons)
- reaper (enshroud window - burst phase was really satisfying, otherwise it was a snore fest, has probably the closest to wow's blink ability you can find in ffxiv)
- warrior/dark knight (aesthetically pleasing but tanks are boring to me in ffxiv, rotations are too easy in comparision to melee, and the only fun factor is the fight itself)

Tekken 8:
- Reina Mishima (literally the best character design I've ever seen, not only speaking about goth dommy mommy vibes here, heavy emphasis on execution, understanding her stances and multiple transitions in between them, just-frames moves, requires tons of repetition and practice to achieve smooth wavu or consistent, fast ewgf. Destroyer of my left hand - no, guys, I play on arcade stick with korean lever)

Tbf, I could definetely say that I like mobile characters (glass cannon is definitely acceptable but not required) that reward a skilled player and are decently good in pve. Here's the issue with BDO, I'd love to say that I don't care about tier lists but it's simply not truth. I don't intend to pursue playing FOTM sorta character BUT it's important to me to have some sort of a backup while investing my time into one (good example are mages and rogues in wow - they're never bad cause they have 3 specs, wow's monk on the other side only has 1 dps spec which made it uncomfortable for me to main). I don't really know how BDO's meta shifted over the years but I guess having access to both succession and awakening kinda solves my issue - unless they differ strongly in roles? The cherry on top of a cake would be a capability to shine in open world 1v1 scenarios (I'm not even mentioning node wars or AOS cause that's a long shot and at that point I might be able to answer these questions myself).

Just to clarify in the end, maehwa is not out of the competition here, I don't mind creating another one for a season. I've asked a friend about this and his suggestion was ninja (both specs looks promising to me). Personally I also felt intrigued by succ witch or awa drakania (the problem is, I want to play a class and not a spec, awa witch or succ drak doesn't look interesting at all to me).

Well, if you're still here, thank you and hopefully your suggestions will help me finally start playing today without second guessing myself <3

Last Edit : Apr 26, 2024, 13:07 (UTC)
# 2

Hi there, while i havent played most of these games, from your descriptions, i think the most fitting classes for you would be Sorceress or Succession Dark Knight.

1. Dommy Mommy Vibes

2. Lots of blinking

3. Magic wielding characters

4. Mostly melee skills, with few ranged abilities to use

5. High skill ceiling

6. Pretty good in PvE (though Awakening DK is the best out of these)

7. High damage classes, kinda glass cannon (though sorc can be played more tanky)

8. Cancels and skill flows are important

I recommend you check out these classes and see if you enjoy it, for example by creating a trial character in Battle arena and just test it out.

Last Edit : Apr 26, 2024, 13:27 (UTC)
# 3
On: Apr 26, 2024, 13:07 (UTC), Written by Minarya

1. Dommy Mommy Vibes

LMAO, I mostly included that as a Tekken inside joke but I love the feedback nevertheless. I will try DK for sure, dunno about Sorceress - I've heard she's not really fast and mobile, people always mention her i-frames but I thought she's having quite a hard time zooming fast from place to place, is that true?

Last Edit : Apr 26, 2024, 13:39 (UTC)
# 4

She is very mobile in short distances, but has a hard time following long distance movement of other classes. Succ DK is somewhat better than her in that regard, but still only average compared to the long distance movement of other classes. 

For long distance movement with high damage melee you can try Maewha, Awa Maegu, Awa Drakania, Succ Woosa too. Succ Woosa and Awa Maegu also do quite a lot of blinking.

Last Edit : Apr 26, 2024, 13:49 (UTC)
# 5
On: Apr 26, 2024, 13:39 (UTC), Written by Minarya

She is very mobile in short distances, but has a hard time following long distance movement of other classes.

Oh, I get it now, then she's fine by my mobility standards. Speaking of Succ Woosa, I've actually tried her out but her movement seemed awkward to me (can't find better words to describe it, it didn't feel smooth). On paper, she looked interesting but then I've tried her out and had issues, also DK and Awa Sorc look more aesthetically pleasing to me - I prefer actuall weapons even if wielded in magical sense, fan doesn't really make the cut here.

Last Edit : Apr 26, 2024, 14:34 (UTC)
# 6

Succ Woosa is a very stilted class in my opinion. I could never really get into playing her, but if you know the right combos and cancels, she can be played quite smoothly. Personally i prefer my DK though where I'm a lot more free in my movement :)

Last Edit : Apr 26, 2024, 14:49 (UTC)
# 7

You could add some more info. There are different kinds of high mobility classes: high burst mobility and good 24/7 mobility. Also some classes have more smaller instances of mobility while longer distance higher cd mobility. Depending on the situation in PvP you might need those more and smaller instances of mobility to avoid things such as grabs.
There's also the kind of question what kind of high mobility class you want: Some classes are more like constant pressure in your face classes, others engage, use their cooldowns, disengage and wait for their cooldowns classes, while others are assassin high mobility classes where you need to wait a lot of the time for the right moment to engage.
Also one thing to mention for most classes the two specs play COMPLETELY different.
Never played WoW so I'm not sure but monk is more like the brawler type high mobility class, right? That mage with blink is more like a class cannon kiting class.
From my own experience (fighting against those classes): awakening DK is more like a ranged burst damage waiting for cds kiting class. Succ DK is more of an assassin wait for the moment to engage burst mobility class.
Sorc neither spec I would call high mobility. Most classes can just run away from sorcs. In nodewars when just needing to get from point A to B most sorcs just sheathe weapons and walk/run.
From my understanding (never played WoW) Succession Maegu is closest to that mage class. A lot of mobility, mind games (outplay potential) with the clone.
Succession Berserker is the mobility king atm, kind of a brawler. There's also different kind of in your face pressure: Damage pressure and CC into onecombo pressure. Succ zerker has really high CC pressure but not much damage pressure. Lots of protected CC, CC which goes through FG, 2 grabs. Succ zerker plays more like a tank brawler. In group fights most succ zerkers go quite tanky builds and just provide lots of ccs but keep enough damage to kill glass cannons.
Musa/Maehwa are both high mobility classes.
Awakening Musa is a go in use cds disengage wait for cds class. Succ musa most of the time is a you need to play passive and fish for a cc and then you can delete your enemy class, in some rare situations when you know it's safe you can also just delete your enemy standing without needing to cc.
Awakening Maehwa is more FG based which can give you the edge when trading vs other classes as long as you don't get CCed and smaller AoE than awakening Musa. Awakening Maehwa has really high accuracy, but struggles vs high DR in comparison to awakening Musa. Awakening Musa is good enough vs evasion though. Succ Maehwa I haven't met in ages, from what I understand there are more succ Maehwas than awakening Maehwas but I just dont meet them. So I'm not completely sure what to say here.
Awakening Nova has a buff every 30 seconds which gives it 10 seconds of SA so you have 10 seconds of god mode. It can also fight outside of that buff but that buff is just dumb. During those 10 seconds you can hard outtrade your enemy with FG cause even if they CC from behind you don't get CCed, got grabbed no worries, you're up again after 2 seconds and that's not enough time to kill you, spam unprotected CCs however you like cause 10 seconds SA. Also it has a ranged grab and is one of the highest movement classes in the game both burst and 24/7. Just gotta make sure to constantly hit stuff so you can use your 10sec SA buff every 30 seconds. With that buff you can also completely cheese fights by only fighting when the buff is up and disengaging and waiting when you don't have it.
Awakening Ninja is more of a glass cannon FG based CC pressure class. Succ Ninja is more of a SA based class that does better with a tankier build imo. Burst mobility but has some gaps.
Succ Kuno has really high burst mobility, has both CC and damage pressure. But uses quite a bit of stamina and locks stamina regeneration on some skills so you have to manage that. Can chase and keep up with even the highest mobility classes for a short time.
While most of these classes only have horizontal mobility, succ Lahn is a high mobility class with excellent vertical mobility. It plays more like an assassin, engage from the sky while the enemies aren't expecting it, catch some enemies off guard, quickly onecombo them, fly out to safety.
Awakening Maegu has CC and damage pressure, really good mobility in all aspects, constant mobility, burst mobility, and small instance mobility.

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Lv 66
Last Edit : Apr 26, 2024, 14:53 (UTC)
# 8

Also some more questions which you will need to answer:
Are you fine with high apm classes? Succ Ninja and awakening Nova both require really really high apm.
Are you fine just playing an average or maybe even below average class in PvE? I mean you can always tag another class to PvE on that class instead of your main, but you sound like you would want to play your main in every situation, even in PvE even though it's not good at it.

1 115
Lv 66
Last Edit : Apr 26, 2024, 16:23 (UTC)
# 9

Okay, I'll try to answer as best as I can. If something sounds confusing or there is a flaw in my reasoning please correct me, even though I consider myself experienced in mmos, BDO is way different and certain gameplay mechanics might not translate 1:1 here (like mobility) thus I'll try to explain how I see things.

On: Apr 26, 2024, 14:53 (UTC), Written by Saeii

Are you fine with high apm classes? Succ Ninja and awakening Nova both require really really high apm.

What sort of APM are we talking about here? Constant high APM throughout grinding or incredibly fast, short burst phases with the slowdown in between? When it comes to mmo games I expect them to be nowhere near BDO requirements in that department thus I sort of feel like I have no comparable experiences from the past. What I'm trying to say is that I don't feel scared by APM, unless it's really that big of a deal here (aren't people exaggerating?). I definetely don't want low APM class - I still play FFXIV on the side and all classes there are incredibly slow (fault of a game netcode that forces this design but it's another story).

On: Apr 26, 2024, 14:53 (UTC), Written by Saeii

Are you fine just playing an average or maybe even below average class in PvE? I mean you can always tag another class to PvE on that class instead of your main, but you sound like you would want to play your main in every situation, even in PvE even though it's not good at it.

When I start I'll try to learn as much as possible about chosen class thus I'll try to stick to it for a while (probably to a point when I get all season rewards). As far as I understand tagging is like merging another character into a main one so I can easily swap between two, previously declared classes. From my standpoint I thought it would be better to start with a class better than average in pve (isn't that the core of the game that fuels even pvp progression?). Of course if the class is decent in both aspects of the game, it would helpful. Overally I'm not so stubborn to deny playing more characters but I like the idea of really maining one. If you think I could start with a below average class in PvE and finish season pass easily (and then tag another for grinding) I could go that route too, it's just a matter of someone more experienced telling me it's not gonna mess up my progression. I need to read more about tagging cause I don't know how it actually works and how flexible it is.

On: Apr 26, 2024, 14:49 (UTC), Written by Saeii

There are different kinds of high mobility classes: high burst mobility and good 24/7 mobility. Also some classes have more smaller instances of mobility while longer distance higher cd mobility. Depending on the situation in PvP you might need those more and smaller instances of mobility to avoid things such as grabs.

This is the part where I'm utterly confused, previously mentioned mmos only have burst mobility and that was the mobility I was talking about, all that was differentiating classes in these games was the amount of mobility tools or the length of cds. The more mobility the better but I definetely prefer fast, ability based movement (example: I take blinking on cd over movement speed buff).

On: Apr 26, 2024, 14:49 (UTC), Written by Saeii

There's also the kind of question what kind of high mobility class you want: Some classes are more like constant pressure in your face classes, others engage, use their cooldowns, disengage and wait for their cooldowns classes, while others are assassin high mobility classes where you need to wait a lot of the time for the right moment to engage.

Definitely prefer either assasin engaging playstyle or movement based kiting. I always prefered to pick my fights and burst people down in correct moments, the difficulty I like is actually staying alive thanks to movement, not the hp bar or armor.

On: Apr 26, 2024, 14:49 (UTC), Written by Saeii

Also one thing to mention for most classes the two specs play COMPLETELY different.

Good to know, that's why I like the description of DK and Ninja you provided, it gave me a better view on these classes.

On: Apr 26, 2024, 14:49 (UTC), Written by Saeii

Never played WoW so I'm not sure but monk is more like the brawler type high mobility class, right? That mage with blink is more like a class cannon kiting class.

Only a good comp party can make a monk feel like brawler tbf, in my solo, open world experience I played more like an assasin due to lack of self sustain. Your idea of fire mage being glass cannon kiting class is spot on.

On: Apr 26, 2024, 14:49 (UTC), Written by Saeii

Awakening Maehwa is more FG based which can give you the edge when trading vs other classes as long as you don't get CCed and smaller AoE than awakening Musa. Awakening Maehwa has really high accuracy, but struggles vs high DR in comparison to awakening Musa. Awakening Musa is good enough vs evasion though. 

I'm gonna be honest, I'm not competent enough to have a preference over SA or FG. Also, didn't you mean Maehwa in the last sentence? You've used 'though' and it makes it look like either Musa is good against both DR and evasion or you meant Maehwa.

Last Edit : Apr 26, 2024, 16:27 (UTC)
# 10
On: Apr 26, 2024, 14:49 (UTC), Written by Saeii

Awakening Nova has a buff every 30 seconds which gives it 10 seconds of SA so you have 10 seconds of god mode. It can also fight outside of that buff but that buff is just dumb. During those 10 seconds you can hard outtrade your enemy with FG cause even if they CC from behind you don't get CCed, got grabbed no worries, you're up again after 2 seconds and that's not enough time to kill you, spam unprotected CCs however you like cause 10 seconds SA. Also it has a ranged grab and is one of the highest movement classes in the game both burst and 24/7. Just gotta make sure to constantly hit stuff so you can use your 10sec SA buff every 30 seconds. With that buff you can also completely cheese fights by only fighting when the buff is up and disengaging and waiting when you don't have it.

I know noone besides PA has this knowledge but doesn't it sound like nerf potential? Or is that actually a class identity? I didn't really look that much into Nova besides learning that Succ totally doesn't interest me.

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