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UTC 1 : 42 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 42 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 42 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 42 Jul 26, 2024
New Node War System Feedback
May 30, 2024, 02:25 (UTC)
2851 14
1 2
Last Edit : May 30, 2024, 02:51 (UTC)
# 1

The new node war system lacks some critical elements to be a full replacement for the old node war system. These are the changes I suggest to make a more fun experience for all players. Lets start with the main thing that make this current system unfun.
1. Wars end far too soon
2. Wars have a lot of down time where there is no action/pvp

3. Wars that do have action are not very strategic and just throwing yourself at the stick hoping to last hit it.

4. There is no sense of urgency in war at all, since all that matters is what happens in the final moments before a node expires.

How do we solve all these issues?

The war needs a complete revamp in the way that it works from a king of the hill style battle, to a domination/hardpoint style war kind of like RBF, but quite different.
War should last 90 minutes instead of 60 to fix the first issue. Then, wars should be structured as such: on each region there are 15 total nodes, and based on number of guilds participating, there should be a select number of them active at one time. In this example, lets say 8 guilds are participating, so there should be 3/15 nodes active at any one time (approx 33%). If a guild owns one or more of these nodes while they're active, they accumulate points. A victor is decided based on the guild that has accumulated the most number of points over the course of the node war and are awarded a t5 bundle. 2nd most points gets a t4 bundle, 3rd most points gets t3. These active nodes should also regularly change every 15 minutes and double in points given per second, so that if a guild has a very good defense, they need to start over and move to capture one of the new highlighted nodes, and guilds that have a bad start can still catch up as the war progresses.

Why is this system better?

1. This solves every issue the current war system has. 

   - It solves the feeling of nothing mattering until the last minute in wars, while making the entire duration feel intense.

   - It adds a lot of strategy in capturing a node quickly after it spawns to fortify, or taking out flags to make people spawn further and increase your capture duration when you own a fort.
2. Longer duration is more satisfying than 11 minute or 30 minute wars.

3. It maintains the anti-politic aspect of the current system

4. Easy to implement. All you have to do is make it where wars are 90 minutes, nodes are still randomly selected just in intervals of 15 minutes rather than only the start of the war, and guilds accumulate points while holding rather than the all-or-nothing aspect of holding it when the timer expires.

Last Edit : May 30, 2024, 02:47 (UTC)
# 2

If they gonna have to revamp the revamp can't we just get what we had back and they make this revamped nodewar a new game mode?

Maybe rotate the pvp stuff, saturday is siege, sunday is WoR, monday Wednesday and Friday we have the revamped wars and Tuesday Thursday the old wars. Honestly all this different gamemodes could be refreshing and fun if it wasnt a 100 or 0 kind of deal where you either get this or that.

Last Edit : May 30, 2024, 05:38 (UTC)
# 3

I approve this message

Last Edit : May 30, 2024, 07:22 (UTC)
# 4
On: May 30, 2024, 02:25 (UTC), Written by ImChoice

The new node war system lacks some critical elements to be a full replacement for the old node war system. These are the changes I suggest to make a more fun experience for all players. Lets start with the main thing that make this current system unfun.
1. Wars end far too soon
2. Wars have a lot of down time where there is no action/pvp

3. Wars that do have action are not very strategic and just throwing yourself at the stick hoping to last hit it.

4. There is no sense of urgency in war at all, since all that matters is what happens in the final moments before a node expires.

How do we solve all these issues?

The war needs a complete revamp in the way that it works from a king of the hill style battle, to a domination/hardpoint style war kind of like RBF, but quite different.
War should last 90 minutes instead of 60 to fix the first issue. Then, wars should be structured as such: on each region there are 15 total nodes, and based on number of guilds participating, there should be a select number of them active at one time. In this example, lets say 8 guilds are participating, so there should be 3/15 nodes active at any one time (approx 33%). If a guild owns one or more of these nodes while they're active, they accumulate points. A victor is decided based on the guild that has accumulated the most number of points over the course of the node war and are awarded a t5 bundle. 2nd most points gets a t4 bundle, 3rd most points gets t3. These active nodes should also regularly change every 15 minutes and double in points given per second, so that if a guild has a very good defense, they need to start over and move to capture one of the new highlighted nodes, and guilds that have a bad start can still catch up as the war progresses.

Why is this system better?

1. This solves every issue the current war system has. 

   - It solves the feeling of nothing mattering until the last minute in wars, while making the entire duration feel intense.

   - It adds a lot of strategy in capturing a node quickly after it spawns to fortify, or taking out flags to make people spawn further and increase your capture duration when you own a fort.
2. Longer duration is more satisfying than 11 minute or 30 minute wars.

3. It maintains the anti-politic aspect of the current system

4. Easy to implement. All you have to do is make it where wars are 90 minutes, nodes are still randomly selected just in intervals of 15 minutes rather than only the start of the war, and guilds accumulate points while holding rather than the all-or-nothing aspect of holding it when the timer expires.

Not sure if I like the hard point type of nodewar.
I think the previous system of build a fort and stuff works better.
I'd prefer if you register the way you do now.
But you get a pre-built fort and it's randomly assigned to you.
Thus not moving to far off from the current siege system.
Completely restart this system.
If there are 3 guilds fighting.
There should be 2 victors.
Meaning - if guild [1] takes a fort they are removed and they win the tier 5 node, and then a tier 4 node would open up allowing the remaining guilds to fight for the tier 4 node.
Thus forcing more pvp.
This will allow for more fights and have more nodes open since everyday the nodes are reset.
So if 9 guilds dropped, in the start 3 forts can be open and then there's 6 guilds still.
Allowing the remaining 6 to still fight.
Opening another 3 forts.

Last Edit : May 30, 2024, 07:43 (UTC)
# 5

one of the things beside short amounts and the whole lasthit nonsense is that there is no way to get rid of pressure at you tower. In the old system, if you had ppl art ur toer and were forced into defense you could always try to get a strategic push against the enemy tower to force your enemy to return to defend themselves. You could literally flip pressure with smart moves. Now its basically tower defense with ppl spawning like 20m away from you base.  

It would be ok to keep this as an extra gaming mode for beginners, maybe replacing T1 or making a full new "cap" with no gear at all that uses AoS Gear for ppl that only want the PVP part of the game and nothing else. 

Last Edit : May 30, 2024, 16:56 (UTC)
# 6

Make pvper   happy again ! :3

Last Edit : May 30, 2024, 17:10 (UTC)
# 7

Thanks for this Choice. I put something similar to this on the main QQ copy pasta thread.
Id add that medals should be in every bundle. No reason to pull those, newer people need the war passives and older folks enjoy the cheaper elixirs..

Last Edit : May 30, 2024, 19:33 (UTC)
# 8
What if they keep new signup and randomly lock 2 guilds/node with 2 forts and fight like old NW until 1 fort dies or draw if it reaches 2 hours . in this case we avoid scripting and BDO is not ready to handel too many players in one spot .
Last Edit : May 31, 2024, 01:38 (UTC)
# 9

Agreed. New system is just an outlet for rewards. It is distinctly uninteresting and nearly all player agency has been removed. Our node wars were reduced to zombieing to a fort in the hopes of rewards, or sitting in one spot holding a fort in the hopes of rewards. Bring back engaging PvP (also find a way to revitalize open world PvP while you're at it PA).

Last Edit : May 31, 2024, 01:48 (UTC)
# 10

Please think about making these changes PA.

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