Family Name: Archaic_Triad
Region (NA/EU): NA
Suggestions/Comments: ----->
█ Hello again everyone, and welcome to chapter 90 on "common sense".
█ Today I would like to highlight the obvious problems with the update and express my opinion on this matter. Maybe you agree with me, maybe you don't...... either way please share your opinion on this thread to get common sense things fixed in BDO.
█ Shai's has once again fallen victim to the special exclusionary rule that BDO developers have put in place. She continues to suffer by being the "odd man out", shai cannot use the new "My PEN (V) Blackstar" for her awakening weapon. Another slap in the face for anyone who plays the class. What's worse is that shai players are already "bleeding on the flag to keep the stripes red" in terms of class selection, and this is because she's such a disappointment... a class who's only good for one thing; group play.
█ PA, please fix your game. Please fix shai. Please stop this "special treatment" of this class, because now it's starting to feel like oppressive racial segregation.
█ Furthermore, shai is going to be left out of all future content including the "Sovereign Weapons" if this nonsense continues.
█ How do I propose this "fix" happen? I'm glad you asked...
Rework shai completely. Take away her OP spells. Give her a full combat kit. Give her normalized gear so she can enjoy rewards like EVERY OTHER CLASS. Don't let this suffering continue. |
Aside from pack to pack mobility buff which could be achvied with shorted cast and cancel animation on the Skateboard skill I don't think a total rework is required.
Just standerdize the weapons for the love of gods.