the balencing in this game makes no sense at all you have classes that can mash random buttons for full protection vs classes that have to manage 16 - 22 skills and their cooldowns to stay protected then you have classes that can delete someone in 3 - 4 skills vs classes that require 12- 15 skill combos to even attempt to do damage while both are in same gear and gems. Then theres the matter of classes stamina management some calsses can go all day just cycling a few skills and never worry about stam drain as where others you use 6 skills and youre having an asthma attack and have 0 lingers to recover. lastly classes that can reach absurd levels of tankyness and do insane damage and have enough bonus resist that allows you to simply stand still do nothing and be able to ignore 6 cc in a row even if oponant has an ignore resist build. just a few example classes that have just way too much going for them
berserker: insane level of mobility and protection but nothing feels like it consumes stamina paired with big damage and an hp pool that too high thats also paired with too much resist and a perminant dr buff if in succession plus several strong heals. lets not forget its a full range and melee class so all areas of combat are coverd has 3 grabs if in awakening that of which for some reason if you use grab on someone thats moving and they are no where near the range required to even be grabbed its still gonna reach
valk: absalutely way too tanky why is it as a trial valk that im able to absalutely tank someone full comboing me with 325 ap in full ap gems and it feel like im being hit by butterflys meanwhile i can drop a literal nuke on them even when their dp is above 400 and this class also has absurd levels of mobility and stamina paired with perma protection and ranged cc skills
maegu: just straight up button mash this one does not matter what you press its gonna be protected its gonna be fast and its gonna hurt like heck. combos? waht are those dont need em with this class.
sage: holy damage let me just roll my face across my keyboard and watch as everything around me gets obliterated all while teleporting everywhere and attacking from multiple directions at once all while basicly perma super armor and iframe
the list can go on
dosa the sheer level of protection dosa has in pre awakenig without succession is absalutely concerning for when awakening comes out as it has he potential to be game breaking nad for the love of bdo please stop buffing succession dosa
there is way too much iframes and super armor on classes we get it you want appeal to console players but its turned pvp into a joke. there is no longer skill vs skill or even a need to combo anymore its now just a matter of whos ping messes up first allowing them to get ccd even while protected or grab face roll your keyboard and win its no wonder most players go all in on attack completely disregarding defense stats beacause otherwise the fights go literally nowhere expecially after the damage reduction changes
what about tamer as someone who plays it because how broken it is its literally infinate iframe and super armor and literal god mode
at this point might as well put super armor on all skills on every class and give em all a grab because thats basicly how the game already is (reality is that no one wants this please dont actually do that)
community asks for some damage buffs on classes and you only give em to the classes that are already broken they ask for dp to be just a little bit more useful you make a hand full of classes literall unkillable gods
can we talk about resist here? why when you stack resist, that you can just stand there and ignore 6 cc's in a row. in a game that was focused around comboing, this renders comboing completely useless even if you stack ignore resist, it does not matter. it takes away from the fun of learning some of these 12 - 25 skill combos classes have, when most the newer classes after nova can do just as good or even better by mashing buttons without thought becasue it only takes 3 - 4 skills after cc to kill someone
there is a reason i enjoy stomping sages and maegus in NW as elephant rider, because thats one thing their spam of SA is hardly gonna save them from
Yep this game has become less about class knowledge and skill & more about rotating SA and running meta classes with resists PA failed in balancing this game so i assume they'll make everyone SA heavy and eventually everyone will get a grab diversity is out the window boys thught intent in pvp is gone spam protections fish for CC about it
Well, devs mainly listen to KR feedback, which is the basis for all of their recent reworks. That's why you see every class becoming simpler and simpler. KR players don't want to think. They just want more protections, more ccs, and more damage on anything and everything, and less buttons to press.
Korean developers dont care about other regions feedback. Its a proven fact already that lots of people ask for either buffs or nerfs and they dont get anything, but as soon as one korean player crybabies about it the next week in glab they tweak it. Im pretty sure developers are aware that succ zerk has EVERYTHING that a class has ever desired(its unkillable and 0 chances of winning if you get double zerk on aos btw), however KR doesnt complain about it so they dont move a finger to balance it. Maybe doing posts in korean will do more than a thousand people here doing comments.
Every time there is some overhaul of a system in this game I become further convinced that no one on the dev team has ever played this game.
10 years of balance. For some reason unknown to me, Valkyrie is blacklisted. They asked for a nerf to Zerket but they gave it a buff and removed Valkyrie who had nothing to do with it.
Do you remember when there was an archer in this game? I don't remember too...
there is a reason i enjoy stomping sages and maegus in NW as elephant rider, because thats one thing their spam of SA is hardly gonna save them from
ok now thats actually funny keep up the good work
10 years of balance. For some reason unknown to me, Valkyrie is blacklisted. They asked for a nerf to Zerket but they gave it a buff and removed Valkyrie who had nothing to do with it.
Yea it's quite astounding that they actually managed to nerf succ valk further... what a company