Hi all ...
... i have many missing notes after a few composer´s updates - they are set correct but dont sound like that or dont be played !
If i use copy/paste for some notes they often do problems when play a song.
Maybe P.A. - are your programmers able to create a button to "repair" our music tracks ? So set notes to correct positions and remove overlays - especially for long notes and the note behind.
Just a suggestion to save my and others work on music tracks in composer !
If some ppl who input notes have trouble with this composer - pls write your comment in here - even more ppl post in here this problem maybe will be fixed in a future composer update. Otherwise pls give this thread an upvote pls - many many songs have trouble with missing notes atm and cant be played correct !
Thx and hf ;-)
Ok - sorry but i wanted to get this thread up again. Problem is NOT solved since months and many ppl i talked to have same problems with displaced notes and other trouble with composer-program !
Pls. leave a comment if you have trouble with displaced notes - desync in grp-play or often soundbugs when playing songs !
If enough ppl give this thread a "like" or leave a comment - maybe p.a. will notice that their music-composer/ sound system isnt working correct !
hf ^^
0 likes or dislikes or any comments since September 21st, lol. Regarding the problem, it's probably better to report it to support.
Many composers still have same problems - dont know why noone of em post inside this thread.
We talked to serval game-masters visited us at kama2 rooftop velia (eu) - but nothing happens.
Problems not solved atm !!!