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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 11 : 59 Feb 12, 2025
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EST 6 : 59 Feb 12, 2025
#Sorceress #Maegu
Sorceress sucks, here's how to fix it
Oct 14, 2024, 18:09 (UTC)
1229 9
Last Edit : Oct 14, 2024, 18:14 (UTC)
# 1

Sorceress sucks, here's how to fix it without buffing stats or making it more braindead

General strategy: Improve the abilities that are lacking, rather than further buffing the already strong ones

Fix Jump Iframes input clashing with Cry of Darkness (Shift + Space) and Vile Plan (Space)

Prioritize the character using Jump Iframe when holding (Shift + Space + W) instead of CoD or VP.

Simple but effective. We should not have to lock CoD to be able to use jump iframe.

How it currently works:  

How it should work: 


Change Vile Plan into a Core skill. Remove and replace Core: Cartians Nightmare

-Remove Stiffness on attack 1 hits & Floating on attack 2 hits. 

-Add Forward Guard.

-Change Core: Cartians Nightmare into Core: Vile Plan. Core: Vile Plan has the effect of stiffness and Floating added back to it. Alternativly keep the CC and make the Core add Forward Guard instead.


Violation used to be a staple skill for sorceress but is now useless in PvP compared to other skills

-Change the stamina cost of Violation from 300 -> 100. A unprotected, very slow, and medium damage skill with a small area of effect should NOT cost 300 stamina. 

-Increase the damage in PvP by changing "Damage -74.6% in PvP only" to a lower value. If you are going to buff the damage of any skill it is much better to give damage to Unprotected or Forward Guard skills than it is to give Super Armor skills all the damage. Violation should not have 74.6% reduction when Grim Reapers Judgement has 64.1%.


Shadow Hellfire is broken since you "updated it"

-FIX the end of the animation. It used to flow into any skill now it is animation locked. Holding C should flow into Forward Guard

like it used to. The skill links after this skill NEED to be improved and become alot faster. 

-FIX the flow from Dream of Doom for awakening Sorceress. "RMB after Dream of Doom" flow works well for succession Sorceress but does now flow immediatly for awakening sorceress. It takes so long that the flow is useless on awakening.

-Change the cooldown from 14 -> 10 seconds. Sorceress other lvl. 58 Skill Enhancement "Shadow Wave" has had its cooldown reduced significantly, this skill should too.

-Change the "Damage -74.4% in PvP only" to a lower value. Skills with Forward Guard or Unprotected should do more damage. Skills with Super Armor need to do less damage for a much more fun PvP experience.

How the broken flows look:


Heres a list of other changes that should be considered:

-Improve damage scaling at low AP and capped content such as Arena of Solare.

-Allow Darkness Released (W/S + F) to be cast from awakening when used from a quick slot.

-Replace Super armor with Forward Guard on Soul Reaper

-Buff the damage and casting speed of Shard Explosion and give it -20 magical DP on hit.

-Allow RMB (Cartians protection) to interrupt the following skills: Flow: Vile Plan (SPACE), Blade of Darkness (Shift + RMB) and Soul Harvest (Shift + Q).

-Allow Crow Food to work on Jump iframe to consume Shards when stamina is low.

-Allow Absolute Darkness to flow directly and instantly into Sinister Energy (RMB or A/D + RMB).

-Decrease the cooldown of Imminent Doom (quickcast Dream of Doom) from 18 -> 16 seconds.

-Decrease the cooldown of Crow Nightmare from 20 -> 16 seconds.

-Do SOMETHING with Sinister Omen and/or Bloody Contract


In general Sorceress Super Armor abilities are way too strong compared to her unprotected abilities. Her playstyle has degraded to becomming a SA damage bot because using any other part of her kit is pointless due to how much weaker it is. Having access to wide range of Super Armor abilties is good for new players but they have been buffed too much and made the rest of the kit weak by comparison. Unprotected abilities such as Violation, Vile Plan, Turnbackslash aswell as the entire preawakening kit should have their damage or animations buffed to have any chance at competing with the protected Super armor part of the kit. 

Classes like awakening Maegu have almost replaced Sorceress because its better in all ways apart from a very few cases. New classes should not be allowed to both be easier to play and WAY stronger too. 

The game is not FUN when mastering your class is unrewarding and you are forced into a boring playstyle by the kit. 

Last Edit : Oct 14, 2024, 18:46 (UTC)
# 2

Very good suggestions here. Having to lock Cry of Darkness and Vile Plan to use jump iframe efficiently is just bad class design, especially when considering how important those skills are to the class, and when you consider how important it is to have some mobility on sorc.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Oct 14, 2024, 19:37 (UTC)
# 3

We also need a real change on Sinister omen, been almost 10yr since the game is release in KR the skill is useless, I would say to also put a little buff on Shard explo and being able to use it more smoothly like being able to use it directly in awk via the quick slot.

Otherwise your idea is very nice and hope they will do some change, gonna pray for us with my barel of copium 

Last Edit : Oct 15, 2024, 08:10 (UTC)
# 4

Maybe another mobility skill or more dmg in the class in general could be great,. But only one of them because otherwise it would be unbalanced.

Last Edit : Oct 15, 2024, 10:41 (UTC)
# 5

Don't let your dreams be dreams Cookies...

Last Edit : Oct 15, 2024, 13:54 (UTC)
# 6

Dear PA,
please consider these changes. Cookies is THE goat on Sorc. He will catapult the class back to its former glory and achieve a reasonable ranking in AOS considering is mechanical ability. A true warlord being held back by the system. 
Yours truly,


Last Edit : Oct 15, 2024, 20:38 (UTC)
# 7

Very well done, very clear, we don't ask for anything else.

Cookie, you forgot to say Please and i think that's why we are not listened

Keep doing the good job, see ya

Last Edit : Oct 26, 2024, 00:49 (UTC)
# 8

Some really nice suggetions.

Sorc felt weird for a while now, especially in aoes due to a lack of damage and no abilitys to catch anyone.

I really hope they consider some of your changes.

Well done cookie. 

Lv Private
Last Edit : Nov 6, 2024, 14:26 (UTC)
# 9



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