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UTC 9 : 44 Feb 11, 2025
CET 10 : 44 Feb 11, 2025
PST 1 : 44 Feb 11, 2025
EST 4 : 44 Feb 11, 2025
Change free mythical Arduanatt's forced appearance
Dec 24, 2024, 19:40 (UTC)
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Last Edit : Dec 24, 2024, 19:40 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Pikkal

Region (NA/EU): NA (both I guess)

Suggestions/Comments: I'll admit I did not read patch notes to know that the skin would be locked to the white one instead of being changeable like a normal one.  I'm still pretty new to the game and everywhere that I read said that the red and black appearance was the default and that it could be changed.  I do not understand why this was even locked to begin with?  Why is it different then a normal one for no reason?  I got this Arduanatt instead of Doom for the sole reason of the black and red appearance to match my awakened warrior main.
After being advised by a GM that it was in patch notes, I went and looked for myself.  To add insult to injury, every picture used in the patch notes(and in animation when you get the horse token) is the red and black appearance.  There is no in-game indication of which color you get so I feel this is very misleading especially since you cannot refund or exchange it.
Like I said as a new player I was choosing based off appearances moreso then actual function so I would not have made this choice had I known it would be locked.  I think the ability to change colors needs to be added back or there needs to be in-game indication that this is the white one and that it cannot be changed.  I even went and bought the fruit to change it and the stable says I do not have a fruit which felt more like a glitch then an intended "feature".  I was very excited to play today and use my new horse, but now I have a horse taking up space that I will honestly probably never use again due to misleading info about it.
Last Edit : Dec 24, 2024, 23:21 (UTC)
# 2

Yeah, Pearl Abyss really fumbled communication on all matters relating to these free mythical horses. Most players do not read the patch notes. A lot of players just listen to their favorite content creator read the notes if they want to know what we get. Most of the time, patch notes can be summed up as: • class bug fixes, • unwanted/unneeded/old node war changes, • DSR reworked for the millionth time.

Last Edit : Dec 25, 2024, 00:37 (UTC)
# 3

I'd like to have the default red mythical Arduanat as well.

Last Edit : Dec 25, 2024, 01:10 (UTC)
# 4
On: Dec 25, 2024, 00:37 (UTC), Written by Firebird

I'd like to have the default red mythical Arduanat as well.

Awesome.  Collect royal ferns and other mats, and go build one.

18 1190
Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 25, 2024, 06:03 (UTC)
# 5

Taking away player choice and locking them into something is never a good choice. Universally games will eventually open up the options later down the road after the realize there's nothing wrong with said choices. Most famous walkback being Shadowlands abysmal handling of the covenant system.

Choice is good, let players have it. Especially something as weird as restricting a completely cosmetic option that doesn't affect player power in any way.

Last Edit : Dec 25, 2024, 08:25 (UTC)
# 6

No one  force you to accept this horse, you can imperial it. Go and make your own t10 + it already has 30 pities!!!!!! And change your color as many times as you want.

OMG, you got t10 horse for free that people suffered from and  you still continue to complain, it's amazing.

This was deleted by the writer.
Last Edit : Dec 25, 2024, 15:13 (UTC)
# 8

I got my arduanatt last month and I agree that people should have the choice of picking which appearance of arduanatt they want, I pick up unicorn since its my last T10 but I agree with players having an option to choose which pegasus they want. 

Last Edit : Dec 25, 2024, 16:12 (UTC)
# 9

So, when we got the first  t10 in bdo and it was a red t10 pegy without possibility to change color, everyone complained why it isn't white and  told that the red pegy is ugly.

But today, everyone needs the red one, you are so funny guys.

Last Edit : Dec 25, 2024, 20:11 (UTC)
# 10
On: Dec 25, 2024, 16:12 (UTC), Written by Briexdon

So, when we got the first  t10 in bdo and it was a red t10 pegy without possibility to change color, everyone complained why it isn't white and  told that the red pegy is ugly.

But today, everyone needs the red one, you are so funny guys.

Right? Most people HATED the original color so PA gave a way to change it to white. Personally, I prefer the white one. I think it's prettier and has cooler (pun not intended) effects. Would it have been nice to choose? Yes. But, at the end of the day it's a FREE t10 horse with ALL of it's skills learned. It was nice of them to do that much and give us the option to choose which mythical we wanted. They didn't have to do that. When someone gives me a gift I say, "thank you." 

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