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Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

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If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 17 : 13 Feb 15, 2025
CET 18 : 13 Feb 15, 2025
PST 9 : 13 Feb 15, 2025
EST 12 : 13 Feb 15, 2025
Every class needs to at-least be a contender to what Awakened Dosa is.
Jan 20, 2025, 03:44 (UTC)
852 1
Last Edit : Jan 20, 2025, 03:49 (UTC)
# 1

PvE - Huge aoe, lots of super armor, skill key flows are very easy, you automatically proc dp-eva debuff after a combo (2 skills).

PvP - Lots of movement (iframes AND super armor), most of his skills "propel" him in a certain direction while maintaining SA (Water Torrent is just a HUGE spiral torpedo that applies 20% slows).

To a point his down smash are on two protected skills (shift q and down q) SA + Frontal.

As people get used to playing Adosa he is a complete menace, multiple dashing skills, HUGE AOE and a CC (fire skills) at range with very far down smash (group pvp dog pile monster). Makes Witch/Wiz look like a joke with the amount of protected movement he has.

Every class needs a 5-6 second cooldown "avoid collision" skill

When you think meta class, Awake mystic comes to mind, mainly because of Spiral Torpedo puts her into a good spot for back attacks. 

Yet at the same time Mystic and A MAJORITY of the roster are lacking a skill that "moves them forward" as they are casting.

This gives them a very very easy time to spam back attacks, while other classes kind of just stand there looking funny as they lose armor durability!

Overwhelming amount of classes doing a "wasted effort" SA/Frontal rotation

Every PvP player knows their SA rotation, how to chain skills to stay safe. Yet a vast majority have these awkward lingers on their skills, or they are using SA but it doesn't matter because they are taking chip damage, and that's if they aren't getting "lag/desync" cc'd through their chain.

Big example here; Musa's dominating T1/T2, sure there are Kuno/Ninjas running around top fragging etc, but the rest of them are bottom frag / lagging out and can't even play. (*cough* exitlag abusers vs the non-exitlag abusers).

Immobile classes need a "bump up" in protections

For example, Guardian. One of the slowest classes in the game, also the worst class to play into "ranged grab" classes. She is almost always stuck in animation (can't crit damage buff btw so her Succ is better in capped content).

Even as we are talking Succession Mystic/Mystic is on her way to get a durability update that will also fall short because of this. Her entire "SA" rotation is locked in one spot except for dash(has a gap) and REQUIRES her to use much needed i-frames to cancel out or else the gaps in SA she is  memed as the "perma floor punching bag".

At this point, slow classes should just -> Start in I-frame on big skills and the linger should be an SA with no big gap. You are still going to die to ranged chip/kiting, slowed by casters and nuked when you inevitably get close to a "competent" guild. Or be completely overhauled to have "Super armor + movement" on their "big damaging skills".

Even on the PvE side of things, New classes have easy access to debuffs/backattacks.

Woosa, on almost every skill applies a massive -dp debuff in a radius. Tell me how many classes have that option? None other than Dosa, hell even the meme-succuession Nova the laughing stock of the community has a bleed/slow/debuff on her pet.

Scholar a new class, just presses spacebar on a 5 second cooldown (auto triggers t2/t3 I think for max duration) and she magically lands behind the mobs.

Succ warrior has to "wait" for the mobs to group, but hey Adosa just presses fire+shift f and the entire arena that spawns the Hong Lim mobs are all hit as they come together half HP or die in 3 skills.

No consistency for CC and the Blitz bosses/LomL monsters ignore your SA

Even when LomL came out / boss blitz was a thing, I noticed people "unlocking" the directional dodge roll skill... because it makes them "invincible on cooldown" as long as you have stamina to ignore boss damage. Which completely guts the entire skill expression of the game for learning your class, balancing Super Armor skills and Frontals only to get knocked down in the middle of them?

Game breaking / Meta "Priority"

1. Character has MOVING I-frames
2. Character has I-frames
3. Character has MOVING Super armor
4. Character has Super Armor

5. Character has Frontal guard (pref moving backwards or stationary) on 3-4s cooldown

6. Character has Frontal stationary (skills that move forwards with FG are bad).

Worst skills to have / combinations.

Unprotected CC/downsmashes = unviable for group PvP

Super armor / no mobility = "dummy" for people to proc Add-ons on, or an easy "ranged grab/grab".

Small AOE skills

Damage locked behind "awkward combos that do NOT flow".

Protected skill that has no lingering protections 


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