Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


Field Boss Raid

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mai 2024, 15:51 (UTC)

You can encounter a variety of different bosses in the world of Black Desert.
There are for example bosses you can summon with scrolls, and bosses that appear by themselves and can only be defeated when a large number of Adventurers work together.
Field bosses belong to this second category.
Field bosses will occasionally appear in specific locations and threaten their vicinity.
In the seamless world of Black Desert anyone can participate in these encounters against field bosses, and enjoy the game to its full extent.
Field bosses have significantly higher AP and HP compared to regular field monsters, so beware that if you come unprepared and your character dies, you will lose EXP and there’s always the possibility of your infused magic crystals being shattered.
Still, many Adventurers go out to battle them, as they can drop exclusive rare loot which makes the encounters worth the challenge.
You still have a chance to obtain the rare items dropped from field bosses even if you are not in a party, so don’t be afraid to participate in the encounters alone.


You may have already encountered some of the field bosses during the main quest, or have summoned them with a scroll given to you by the black spirit. However, the ones that appear as field bosses are much stronger compared to the other iterations you’ve previously encountered, so don’t take them lightly.


It is important to know that field bosses appear in random servers, and on average once a day (excluding Black Shadow).

Groups of field bosses will appear together. For example, once Dastard Bheg has appeared in the Balenos Forest and been defeated, Red Nose will appear in the Agris Steppe to wreak havoc. After this one has been dealt with, Dim Tree Spirit will unleash its fury in the Forest of Seclusion. Each one will appear 3 minutes after vanquishing the previous one.

The same occurs with the Giant Mudster in Serendia and Katzvariak in Drieghan. Once the first one has been stopped, after 5 minutes the second one will appear.

If a field boss appears, a system message will appear only on the server it has spawned.
Coordinate with other Adventurers to find out whenever a field boss appears, move to its spawn location, and partake in the encounter.

All field bosses except for Black Shadow will disappear 1 hour after they’ve made their presence known.

Dastard Bheg


Dastard Bheg assaults his foes by swinging his giant hook all over the area, but its movement is slow. So whether you’re his main target or not, be sure to move out of his way if you ever find yourself facing him head on.

The boss of the altar imps has another attack where his body glows red before he swings his hook twice in a wide area of effect (AoE) attack that deals high damage.

Like Red Nose, Dastard Bheg also becomes enraged and performs a special AoE attack once his HP drops to a certain percentage. He will swing his hook around himself, dealing high damage several times. Unlike his pre-enraged state, he will perform this attack more than twice, so don’t jump in after his second attack ends, or it could cost your character their life.



◈ Where Can Dastard Bheg Be Found?


Within Balenos Forest, south of the town of Velia, in the territory of Balenos.



Item Drop: ★ Bheg’s Gloves, Latent Boss Aura, Advice of Valks (+10 to +40), Mythical Feather, Mass of Pure Magic, Liverto Weapon Bundle, Ancient Magic Crystals, Magical Black Stones, Ancient Spirit Dust, Ode to Heroes of Yore, Black Stone, and more.


Red Nose


The Imp Boss performs a variety of melee attacks with his cleaver and a charging attack. If you’re not the main target, move behind it to continue dealing constant damage to the boss without taking damage yourself.


Once his HP drops below a certain percentage he will become enraged. While enraged, he performs powerful shockwave attacks, so you should watch out for when it unleashes them, or stay far from the boss.


Another enraged mechanic you should watch out for is when Red Nose inhales. That’s your cue to disengage as it means Red Nose will perform a series of special area of effect attacks.
This takes the form of two shockwave attacks followed by a devastating body slam attack.
These series of attacks deal a lot of damage and might even kill your character, even if their DP is high.



◈ Where Can Red Nose Be Found?

North of Western Guard Camp, west of the town of Velia, in the territory of Balenos.



Item Drop: ★ Red Nose’s Armor, Latent Boss Aura, Advice of Valks (+10 to +40), Mythical Feather, Mass of Pure Magic, Liverto Weapon Bundle, Ancient Magic Crystals, Magical Black Stones, Ancient Spirit Dust, Ode to Heroes of Yore, Black Stone, and more.



Dim Tree Spirit


Don’t be fooled by the name and appearance of the Dim Tree Spirit, as it is anything but dim. It is a very agile and powerful field boss.
Its attack patterns are simple slams and swings, but you have to watch out for them, as they’re swift, can knock you down, and cause you to take multiple hits.
The Dim Tree Spirit has a special ranged attack, so Adventurers with ranged characters will need to pay special attention when the spirit starts to glow red. The glow indicates that it is charging up. After it has finished charging, the Dim Tree Spirit will throw rocks three times. This ranged attack is difficult to avoid and deals a lot of damage, so time your dodges carefully.
The Dim Tree Spirit also has an attack where it hides underground to collect the energy of nature. When this happens, you must get away from it quickly, as it will perform a very wide AoE attack that will deal high damage.



◈ Where Can the Dim Tree Spirit Be Found?

Within the Forest of Seclusion, east of Bandit’s Den Byway, in the territory of Balenos.



Item Drop: ★ Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor, Latent Boss Aura, Advice of Valks (+10 to +40), Mythical Feather, Mass of Pure Magic, Tree Spirit Belt, Liverto Weapon Bundle, Ancient Magic Crystals, Magical Black Stones, Ancient Spirit Dust, Ode to Heroes of Yore, Black Stone, and more.

Reminder: The field bosses in the territory of Balenos will appear one after another, 3 minutes after the previous one has been defeated. The order is Dastard Bheg, Red Nose, and Dim Tree Spirit.




Giant Mudster


The Giant Mudster is slow, but its AoE attack deals massive damage as well as reducing the movement and attack speed of every Adventurer that gets hit. The speed reduction debuff is fairly significant, so do your best to evade its attacks at all cost.
Most of Giant Mudster’s big attacks begin when it shrinks down in size. If you see it shrink without any prior action or sign, quickly move out of the way. It will charge forward towards a target, dealing damage on the way.

If it shrinks while raining down mud around itself, then small mudsters will be summoned. These will need to be defeated, as otherwise they will explode and deal a high amount of damage to all Adventurers in the vicinity.
Giant Mudster’s most powerful attack is when it shrinks after applying a stiffness debuff to nearby enemies. It follows up that debuff with a spike attack from the ground that deals high damage in a series of consecutive attacks. You'll have to either stay out of the attack’s radius or block them.


If you were hit by the initial attack that inflicted the stiffness debuff, you can use the skill “Emergency Escape” (hotkey: V) to evade the full attack.


When the Giant Mudster takes a significant amount of damage, it will flee to either the Southern Marsh node or to the northwest of the Glish Swamp node, and continue its rampage there.
A message will appear on the upper part of the screen stating the whereabouts of the Giant Mudster. Watch for the message and go to the location to continue the encounter.



◈ Where Can the Giant Mudster Be Found?

It first appears in the Glish Ruins, in yellow. Locations where it runs off to, near the Southern Marsh node and northwest of the Glish Swamp node, in red. All three in the territory of Serendia.



 Item Drop: ★ Mark of Shadow, Advice of Valks (+10 to +40), Mythical Feather, Mass of Pure Magic, Liverto Weapon Bundle, Ancient Magic Crystals, Magical Black Stones, Ancient Spirit Dust, Ode to Heroes of Yore, Black Stone, and more.




Katzvariak, the leader of the kvariaks, appears on a hill overlooking the Tshira Ruins. It can move freely above and below ground, threatening adventurers with its powerful, poisonous attacks.
Katzvariak covers areas of the ground with poison that deals damage to your characters. Make sure to stay away from them. Once it covers a total of 8 areas with poison, it will detonate them to inflict a huge amount of damage, so it’s a good idea to keep track of where these areas are and avoid them as much as possible.



◈ Where Can Katzvariak Be Found?

On a hill north of Tshira Ruins, west of the Forgotten Gateway, in the territory of Drieghan.


Item Drop: ★ Eye of the Ruins Ring, Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod, Combined Magic Crystal – Hoom, Combined Magic Crystal – Gervish, Advice of Valks (+10 to +40), Mythical Feather, Magical Black Stones, Ancient Spirit Dust, Ode to Heroes of Yore, Black Stone and more.

Reminder: The field bosses in the territories of Serendia and Drieghan will appear one after another, 5 minutes after the previous one has been defeated. The order in which they appear is Giant Mudster followed by Katzvariak.



Black Shadow


The so-called Black Shadow usually flies above Saunil Battlefield,, and is believed to be the young dragon of Belmorn, he who possessed Jordine’s body during the main quest.


Once it starts flapping its wings in the sky, move well out of range or behind it to avoid being targeted by its breath attack.


Once the Black Shadow has taken critical damage, it will flee from the battle, leaving behind some loot, and will move to an area in the territories of Balenos, Serendia, and Calpheon. The area it goes to is not predetermined, and thus can go to different locations in the different servers it has spawned.


Since this field boss travels quite a long distance, having a fast horse ready is recommended to chase after it.
Once it has taken critical damage three times, it will fly away into the distance and end the encounter.


While Black Shadow is a field boss, it appears in a different way compared to the other ones.
Its initial spawn location and time are fixed, and it will appear once per week at the following times.


Saturday 22:00 (UTC)
Saturday 15:00 (PDT)
Saturday 18:00 (EDT)
Saturday 23:00 (CEST)
Saturday 15:00 (UTC)
Saturday 16:00 (CEST)
Saturday 08:00 (PDT)
Saturday 11:00 (EDT)


Do keep in mind that aside from its fixed spawn location and time, Black Shadow behaves like other field bosses, and as such it is possible it may not appear in the server you’re in. If this is the case, ask other Adventurers in chat to find out on which servers the young dragon has appeared, and chase after it!



◈ Where Can Black Shadow Be Found?

West of Marni Farm Ruins, east of Calpheon City, in the territory of Calpheon.



Item Drop: ★ Blackstar Armor (up to +10), Specter's Energy, Mass of Pure Magic, Advice of Valks (+10 to +40), Mythical Feather, Magical Black Stones, Ancient Spirit Dust, Ode to Heroes of Yore, Black Stone, and more.

What is Latent Boss Aura?

In the item drops list for most field bosses you will have seen their latent auras.


You can obtain a boss' respective equipment if you obtain at least 100 latent boss' auras and complete a family quest. For example, you can exchange x100 Latent Boss Aura for x1 Bheg's Gloves.


Adventurers who have already exchanged the auras for boss equipment can exchange further auras of the same type for Memory Fragments.

You can find each quest of this type and its exchange location by right-clicking on the aura items.


You can also exchange 2 Latent Boss Aura for x115 Concentrated Boss Crystal through Jetina's weekly quest. These crystals can be used for the guaranteed PEN (V) Boss Gear questline.


➤ Please check out the [Guaranteed PEN (V) Boss Gear] page for more information about this last section.


Ode to Heroes of Yore

The Ode to Heroes of Yore item can be obtained upon defeating field bosses.
Upon use, you will obtain  the buff effect “Item Drop Rate +10%”, and it will be applied for 5 hours.
This buff can be stacked with other Item Drop Rate increase buffs, and the item can be stored in your family inventory in case you need it moved to a different character quickly.
However, remember that the item will expire 5 hours after being obtained, regardless of whether it is in a character’s normal inventory or in the family inventory. Once an item expires, it cannot be used.

* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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