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Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


Guide to Annexes

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Aug 2024, 14:05 (UTC)

Role and Function of Annexes in Node/Conquest Wars

◈ Construction tips and details on the functions of each annex!

To participate in Node and Conquest Wars, it is important not only to construct forts but to also build annexes. Each annex has a different function and role, so you can utilize them to take down enemy forts more effectively.


However, there is a limit on occupiable grids and number of annexes that can be built depending on the Node War tier or the type of fort being used in a Conquest War. Thus, it is important to strategize which annex to build as you establish your fort.


Now, let’s have a look at the roles and functions of each annex.



■ [Node War/Conquest War] Barricade


Barricade (Occupancy: 1 Grid)
While they do not have special functions, they have higher durability than other annexes and are installed to block enemy entry into the fort.
They are mainly placed around the fort or near important annexes to protect ally forts and their annexes.
They are vulnerable to charge attacks by guild elephants or horses.
As Barricades are primarily used to block enemy entry and protect ally forts, if there are enough available grids, it is best to install them in a way that limits movement between them. 
Use the [,] key to make precise changes in directional placement.
When an Indomitable Flag made from an Indomitable Flag Factory is installed, you can install up to 10 Barricades around it
You can craft [Sturdy Barricade] through Siege Weapon Workshops.
Once a Node/Conquest War begins, you can use materials to expand and reinforce the fort with Iron Barricades for even more security.

■ [Node War/Conquest War] Flimsy Barricade


Flimsy Barricade (Occupancy: 1 Grid)
Used for the same purpose as the previous barricade but boasts lower durability with its tradeoff being a shorter construction time compared to other barricades. 
They are vulnerable to charge attacks by guild elephants or horses.
Tips! Thanks to their short construction time, Flimsy Barricades can be useful as temporary measures to protect the fort and other annexes during constant attacks from the enemy. 
Unlike Barricades, they cannot be expanded.

■ [Node War/Conquest War] Recovery Center


Recovery Center (Occupancy: 1 Grid)
Reduces the resurrection time for ally players during Node and Conquest Wars. Each Recovery Center reduces the resurrection time by 6 seconds, making it a crucial annex in resuscitating fallen allies and getting them back in combat.
It has relatively low durability and can be destroyed rather quickly, being particularly susceptible to Cannons.
The base resurrection time is 10 seconds. Every 1 minute of the Node/Conquest War increases the time by 1 second, as does each player’s death.
Resurrection time can range from 10 to a maximum of 60 seconds, and you can use the Recovery Center efficiently to decrease the wait.
As a building essential for maintaining the tempo of combat, it is crucial to keep installing them throughout the duration of a Node/Conquest War.

■ [Node War/Conquest War] Cannon Observatory


Cannon Observatory (Occupancy: 3 Grids)
Interact (R) with it after the Node/Conquest War starts to acquire a Lynch Cannon Assembly Kit after 5 minutes.  
The acquired Lynch Cannon can be placed in strategic locations such as high ground or rocks to target enemy forts and annexes. 
You can load up the Lynch Cannon's mount inventory with Cannonballs and Flame Cannonballs purchased from the Supply Depot, then fire them. Purchasing a Siege Weapon Factory with Contribution Points (or CP) will increase the damage dealt by your Cannonballs and Flame Cannonballs. 
The Lynch Cannon produced by the Cannon Observatory is extremely effective against defensive annexes, such as Flame Towers and Hwachas, and has a range wide enough to strike not only the enemy fort but also other annexes as well. 
Enemies hit by a cannon will suffer from the Knockdown debuff, causing them to suffer from status ailments while engaging in combat, repairing the fort, or building annexes.
You can install as many Lynch Cannons as the number of constructed Cannon Observatories. Therefore, it is important to make sure the Cannon Observatories are well protected so that they do not get destroyed. 
Already-installed Lynch Cannons will not disappear even if a Cannon Observatory is destroyed.

■ [Node War/Conquest War] Elephant Nursery


Elephant Nursery (Occupancy: 5 Grids)
Allows players to raise elephants, which are powerful mounts used in Node/Conquest Wars.   
After the Node War/Conquest War begins, you can start production by interacting (R) with the Elephant Nursery and around 5 minutes later, you can obtain a Guild Elephant. Only guilds that have the guild-exclusive mount, the Guild Elephant, can start the function of this annex.
Guild elephants have large bodies and high HP and can use mount skills such as Charge and Stomp to disrupt enemy positions. However, they are extremely vulnerable to Flame Tower and Hwacha attacks, so tread with caution around enemy forts.
If there are no recovered elephants in the guild stable, you will not be able to access the Elephant Nursery’s function, so be sure to recover the elephants before installing the nursery.
If an elephant loses 100% health, it can be restored at the Elephant Nursery (for some guild funds.)

■ [Node War/Conquest War] Flame Tower


Flame Tower (Occupancy: 3 Grids)
The Flame Tower is a defensive annex that players can directly ride on. By pressing the attack (SPACE) button, it can emit a cone-shaped flame attack to all enemies in front of it. It deals significant damage to approaching enemies, guild elephants, or horses within the Node/Conquest War zone. In Node Wars (Tier 3 or higher) or Conquest Wars, it can be expanded into a stronger and sturdier Enhanced.
Flame Tower with proper materials. Every attack consumes [Guild] Flame Tower Oil that can be purchased from the Supply Depot. Although it excellent in defending the fort and annex buildings, it suffers significant damage from enemy Lynch Cannon bombardments.
The Flame Tower is an annex that can be directly manned by players (R key) and requires [Guild] Flame Tower Oil to operate for attacks.
Thus, before the start of the Node War, select the best personnel to board the Flame Tower and pre-fill it up with [Guild] Flame Tower Oil.

■ [Node War/Conquest War] Hwacha


Hwacha (Occupancy: 3 Grids)
A defensive annex that players can directly board (R) and use the control keys to launch a ranged, circular attack from a relatively long distance. In Node Wars (Tier 3 or higher) or Conquest Wars, it can be reinforced into a more powerful and sturdy Big Hwacha with the correct materials. 
It consumes [Guild] Arrow for Hwacha that can be purchased from the Supply Depot. It can deal significant damage to groups of enemies, but it suffers significant damage from enemy Lynch Cannon bombardments.
The Hwacha must be boarded (R key) by an adventurer and requires [Guild] Arrow for Hwacha for attack. Prior to the start of the Node War, the guild can select the personnel to board the Hwacha and load up the arrows in advance.
The Hwacha requires precise aiming and firing. To do so, it is advantageous to place it on top of a rock or in an area with a clear line of sight.
It is less durable than the Flame Tower, so it is best to install it somewhere it can receive support from allies or ally Flame Towers.

■ [Node War/Conquest War] Supply Depot


Supply Depot (Occupancy: 5 Grids)
A crucial annex during Node/Conquest Wars that allows players to recover wounded horses, repair and restore equipment durability, purchase traps, construction tools for additional buildings, and items specific to the Flame Tower and Hwacha without having to return to town.
As it plays a crucial role in supplying necessary resources during the battle, it is recommended to place the Supply Depot behind expected enemy attack routes to keep it better protected and to ensure its ability to perform its vital role in recovering wounded horses and supplying crucial items.
Also, it is safer to place the Supply Depot within the attack range of defensive annexes such as Hwacha or the Flame Tower, to protect it more effectively.

■ [Node War/Conquest War] Wooden Fence Gate


Wooden Fence Gate (Occupancy: 1 Grid)
A fortified gate that serves as an entrance to forts, often used in conjunction with Barricades. It can be opened or closed using the interaction key (R). It has more durability than barricades but is vulnerable to guild elephants or charging horses.
It can be used as an entrance for allies and enemies alike, so always remember to close the gate after use.

■ [Node War/Conquest War] Indomitable Flag Factory


Indomitable Flag Factory (Occupancy: 3 Grids)
After the start of the Node/Conquest War, you can begin production by interacting (R) with the factory, from which you can obtain an Indomitable Flag about 10 minutes later. Once installed, the Indomitable Flag will function as a forward base for your allies, allowing fallen allies to resurrect at the Indomitable Flag.
Even if the factory is destroyed, collected and constructed Indomitable Flags will not disappear but will remain active.
If you have produced/collected multiple Indomitable Flags from the Indomitable Flag Factory beforehand, you’ll be able to immediately reinstall your ally’s destroyed Indomitable Flag without breaking the flow of battle.

■ [Conquest War] Wooden Fence


Wooden Fence (Occupancy: 1 Grid)
If Node Wars have Barricades, Conquest Wars have Wooden Fences. Wooden Fences are taller than Barricades, making them more effective in defending the fort.
There are footholds at the back of the Wooden Fences that players can use to climb up and easily defeat enemies attempting to approach from above.
Although it has high durability and is not easily destroyed by enemy or cannon attacks, it is vulnerable to guild elephants or charging horses. It is especially vulnerable to the siege weapon Ballista, created through the Ballista Workshop.
Conquest Wars have comparably more annexes available for use than Node Wars. 
Therefore, it is recommended to build the fort with a wide, suitable perimeter that can accommodate many annexes. 
Just like Flimsy Barricades, hastily built Flimsy Wooden Fences can be constructed in urgent situations.

■ [Conquest War] Defense Tower


Defense Tower (Occupancy: 0 Grids)
Unlike the Flame Tower and Hwacha, this is an annex that attacks nearby enemies without requiring players to mount it. However, its durability is relatively low, making it vulnerable to destruction by attacks from enemy players.
As the Defense Tower consumes 0 grids, install as many as you like. It is advised to have them installed primarily outside Wooden Fences.

■ [Conquest War] Ballista Workshop


Ballista Workshop (Occupancy: 5 Grids)
An annex that produces a siege weapon specific to the Conquest War, the Ballista. After the Conquest War begins, interact (R) with it to receive a Ballista Assembly Set after about 15 minutes. 
The Ballista can be positioned strategically to deal significant damage to enemy Wooden Fences and Gates. 
Ballista Arrows can be purchased from the Supply Depot and loaded into the mount's inventory. If you craft the Ballista Arrows yourself using the necessary materials, they can deal more damage. 
An installed Ballista can be deactivated upon damage from a mount or Black Spirit’s Rage skill. Therefore, it is best fit for attacking the enemy's Wooden Fences under the protection of you and your allies.
Tips! In Conquest Wars, destroying the opponent's sturdy Wooden Fences is crucial to victory. Thus, constructing this annex is recommended as it produces the Ballista, which is designed specifically for that purpose. 
The Ballista moves and rotates quite slowly, so it is best to install it once a safe area is secured.

■ [Conquest War] Medium/Large Siege Tower Factory


Medium/Large Siege Tower Factory (Occupancy: 3/5 Grids)
Produces Medium/Large Siege Towers exclusive to Conquest Wars. You can interact with it (R) after the Conquest War starts to obtain a Medium/Large Siege Tower 5/10 minutes later.
Although the installed Siege Tower can move and change direction, it is relatively slow. Therefore, it is best to install it on smooth terrain in advance.
Siege Towers must be summoned from a certain distance away from the enemy fort.

A Step-by-Step Guide on Constructing Node War Forts

◈ Which Node War to Join, and When?

To participate in Node Wars, you must first identify the region and schedule of the Node War you want to join in. Each Node region has different days when Node Wars take place and different tiers for each Node War, so it is important for your guild/alliance to set clear objectives.
You can check the schedule and tiers of Node Wars using the Node War filter located at the top right of the world map (M).
▲ Node War filter from the world map (M).
▲ You can select the nodes you want to participate in with the options.

◈ Node War Fort Preparations!

To build a node war fort, you first need to purchase node war and annex assembly tools from the guild vendor in a nearby town.
To locate the guild vendor, click on the magnifying glass icon on the left side of the Minimap, then click the “Guild” button to be directed to the nearest vendor.
You can purchase Node/Conquest War Annex Assembly Tools from the Guild Military Supply Vendor NPC.   
- Make sure to bring more than 20 Assembly Tools!


◈ Finding the Right Place to Construct a Fort!

You can construct forts and annex buildings that have been purchased through a guild vendor located within the area of the Node War you want to participate in.
There are two ways to construct a fort:
1. Go directly to the Node area and build it
2. Construct it remotely using the Node War Fort Remote Installation feature

What is the Node War Fort/Annex Remote Installation Feature?
The Node War Fort/Annex Remote Installation is a feature that allows you to install the necessary forts and annexes for your Node War participation without having to go directly to the Node War area. It is a useful feature when the desired Node area is far away, or it is difficult to directly install the fort and annex buildings in the Node area.

What is required to use the Node War Fort/Annex Remote Installation Feature?
You can use this feature in the following situations:
- You must be located in the Node War server you wish to participate in

- Your character must be located in a safe zone
- You must be your guild’s Cannoneer, Quartermaster or higher

How do you use the Node War Fort/Annex Remote Installation Feature?
- Apply the Node War Information filter on the upper right corner of the world map (M) and click on the node you want to install.

- Controls: Camera movement - WASD / Vertical movement - Q, E / Fast movement - SHIFT / Slow movement - Caps Lock
- Click on the fort item in the location where you wish to build the fort.
- After the fort construction starts, you can place annex buildings in the same way in the surrounding areas.
- Press the "Confirm Installation" button to construct the annex buildings you have placed simultaneously.

The image provided below is to help explain the details mentioned above and was captured based on the Korean server client.

▲ Searching for an appropriate location for the fort!
▲ Build a fort that aligns with the tier of the node war.
▲ Use the annex assembly tools to place annexes!
▲ Confirm to finalize the installation of annex buildings.

◈ Confirm to finalize the installation of annex buildings!

During the duration of a node war, the fort acts as both a guild's base and a target for the opposing guild. As in any battle, capturing the base is crucial. To gain an advantage in a Node War, it's recommended to find a good location with the following characteristics:
1. A location that is close enough to attack enemies and to move around, while being able to defend against enemy intrusions
(such as an elevated position or a narrow entrance to the opposing guild fort)
2. A location that is difficult for enemy siege weapons to target and attack, yet easy for you to anticipate their attack positions
(such as a location where enemy elephants cannot enter or a position where enemy cannons cannot reach the guild fort)
3. A location that allows for concentrated defense from one or two sides, rather than having to defend against attacks from multiple angles
(such as a location at the end of the node area or a position with limited access points)
4. A location where nearby objects can be positioned to make it easy to defend the fort or can be used strategically
(such as a location with barricades or a position where guild members can climb onto defensive structures or nearby buildings)
▲ The enemy will struggle to attack a fort on a high ground.
▲ Steep paths can help predict the path of the enemy's elephants and cannons.
▲ There are locations where enemies can only enter from a specific direction.
▲ Use objects for effective defense.
However, as always, there will never be an absolutely advantageous situation. Terrain advantages can be utilized both ways, and you should also be aware of other advantages that can become a threat and a target for enemy guilds.


◈ Do You Wanna Construct a Fort?

The fort purchased from the guild vendor can be installed by right-clicking on it in your inventory and placing it within the Node area.
Available installation locations are indicated in light blue, while unavailable locations are shown in red.

▲ Unavailable locations are indicated in red.

The installed fort will be automatically completed after approximately an hour. Once completed, the fort cannot be demolished. If a Node War starts while it is under construction, it will be completed immediately at the start of the war.

◈ Let’s Construct Annex Buildings as Well!

If you have built a fort, hover your mouse over your fort on the world map.  
The number of available construction grids for annex buildings will be displayed depending on the tier of the node war you are participating in.
▲ The total number of installations for tier 1 is 30 grids.
▲ At higher tiers, there are more grids available, allowing for more diverse strategies.
For tier 1 beginners, a maximum of 30 grids can be used and the number of grids used during construction varies depending on the installation. 
You can check this information on the War Installation Info UI and while using the assembly tools.  
Try to make the most of this information and construct a sturdy and strategic fort!

[Special Tip!] Which Annex Should I Construct First?

Though there is no specific rule for constructing annexes, consider the methods below if you’re having trouble finding where to start.

1. Start off with Wooden Fences.
- The Wooden Fence Gate can be used as a passage for allies and is a peripheral annex that surrounds the fort with a wide range. It consumes one grid.
- Thanks to its height, the Wooden Fence Gate can block enemy cannons depending on the terrain, so it is recommended to construct it considering the enemy's attack routes or expected cannon firing positions.
2. Install Barricades around the fort and the Wooden Fence Gate.
- Barricades are sturdy structures that block off approaching enemies. It is best to construct them in a way that prevents enemies from squeezing through the gaps between them.
- Annexes can be precisely rotated using the [,] keys during installation, so be sure to utilize this function.
3. Build the Supply Depot on the opposite side of the expected enemy attack route.
- The Supply Depot is a crucial annex for establishing a base of operations, such as the resurrection of fallen mounts, repairing equipment, and constructing other annexes.
- It is best to place the Supply Depot on the opposite side of the expected attack route to minimize exposure to enemy attacks.
4. Install defensive annexes such as the Flame Tower.
- Even if the enemy's attack path is unidirectional, enemies can still launch an attack that surrounds the fort from all directions.
- Build 2 Flame Towers that face opposite directions to cover as much area as possible.
- Defend the fort and annexes more strategically by constructing a Flame Tower that protects the Supply Depot from the rear, and one that blocks enemy attacks from the front.
▲ Flame Tower guarding the Supply Depot, while also defending the fort from the rear
▲ Flame Tower defending the fort from enemies up front
5. Construct various annexes on the outskirts of the fort and within the Barricades.
- Build an Elephant Nursery to use Valencia or Cadria elephants (guild mounts), a Cannon Observatory to use cannons, and an Indomitable Flag Factory to revive quickly through the outpost to launch more efficient attacks.
- The Guild should strategize ahead as there is a limit on the space available for building annexes. This limit depends on the Node War tier.
(Example image of a fort during a tier 3 Node War (40 grids): an Elephant Nursery, a Cannon Observatory, an Indestructible Flag Factory, only two Recovery Centers, and no Hwacha.)
▲ If you have Guild Elephants, they can fight alongside you.
▲ Cannon Observatories are effective in destroying enemy Flame Towers and Hwachas.
6. Once construction of the important buildings is finished, surround the buildings with Barricades and Recovery Centers.
- Depending on the number of remaining grids, it may not be possible to surround the fort with Barricades or Recovery Centers.
- You can purchase a stronger form of barricade, the “Sturdy Barricade,” through the “Siege Weapon Workshop”.
- This does not mean that all grids must be used, or that a fort is only complete when surrounded by Barricades. In many cases, the number of Barricades is minimized to reduce the defense of the fort while maximizing the use of annexes, or vice versa.
- Use objects and the terrain to your advantage to minimize the use of barricades, in order to make the most out of other annexes.
▲ The Recovery Center, which has low durability but is responsible for resurrection time.
▲ Use barricades to defend annexes.
▲ Indestructible Flag poles can be rotated and used as barricades, as they are relatively strong.
▲ Close off any possible breaches through gaps, and you’re done!
Fort Construction Complete!
- Once you have finished constructing the annexes with the fort’s available grids, it is a good idea to pre-load the Flame Tower/Hwacha with oil or arrows.
- Additionally, it is good to remember that for buildings that require crafting and receiving items or mounts, such as the Elephant Farm, Artillery Observatory, or Invincible Flag Building, you must click "Start Function" through interaction after the start of the base war.
▲ A completed, well-armed fort.

* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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