Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

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Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


Underwater Ruins Monster Zones

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Apr 2024, 16:34 (UTC)

The underwater ruins are much more readily accessible if you have a ship, but it’s not strictly required. You can always get to them on another Adventurer’s ship.
Despite their distant location, the bountiful rewards that can be obtained within them make a visit to them an entertaining journey for many.


There’s quite a gap between the difficulty levels in Protty Cave and Sycraia Underwater Ruins, and between the upper and abyssal zones of the latter, so choose your path carefully.
Adventurers who have just transitioned to Succession / Awakening should visit Protty Cave first, while veteran Adventurers who are Lv. 58 and above and possessing good gear are recommended to try Sycraia Underwater Ruins.

Protty Cave

This is where the amphibious-looking Protty gather together.
You can find Protty Cave on an island not far off the shores of Velia, in Weita Island.
As long as your level and AP are high enough, a boat is all that stands between you and destroying the monsters in the cave!
Protty Cave can be found north of Velia. Look for the entrance on Weita Island shown above. Once inside, you’ll discover the mystical look of the monster zone.

Key Points



Recommended Level

Lv. 56~57


Distance From Town


It’s not too far from shore.

User Density


People tend to not come here because it is so far away.



Relatively easy.

Hunting Satisfaction


Monsters are in tight groups so they are easy to kill.

Unique Drops


Ancient Seal – Red Shard

Rainbow Coral Ring

Mount Parking Location



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 59 ~ 61 monsters
• Melee: Sid Protty, Protty, Kaz Protty, Zera Protty
• Others: Black Crystal Seaweed, Ocean Crystal Seaweed, Protty Ootheca
2) Features
The cave is hard to reach without a boat as it is located on an island. You will need a boat to return to town as well.
It is densely packed with monsters, making them easy to deal with.
It can be easy to get lost inside, so pay attention to where you’re going!


Sid Protty Evolution
When the HP for Protty Ootheca is reduced below a certain point, there will be a chance for Sid Protty to appear among the monsters. When Sid Protty is hit by Adventurers, it will hide among nearby monsters. Sid Protty will disappear if not attacked for a certain amount of time.
You must continue to chase and look for Sid Protty, who hides among the monsters, without defeating it fully, because it can evolve before dying.


Every time Sid Protty evolves, its body gets larger throughout 2 stages. Each time, it will have the following titles: <Parasitic>, <Gnawing>, and <Satiating>.
When the initial <Parasitic> Sid Protty evolves, its body becomes larger or it evolves into an adult protty.

– From <Parasitic> Sid Protty, it evolves into the <Hungry> Protty or <Gnawing> Sid Protty.
– From <Gnawing> Sid Protty, it evolves into the <Violent> Zera Protty or <Satiating> Sid Protty.
– From <Satiating> Sid Protty, it evolves into the <Overlord> Kaz Protty.


You can obtain more rewards when defeating the evolved Protty, Zera Protty, and Kaz Protty.

2. Level/Equipment Requirements

This is the easiest monster zone at sea.
You just need a decent amount of AP and a boat to try this place out.
Since the island isn’t too far away from shore, a rowboat can be used for a round trip.












3. Strategies

1) Precautions
There are some obstacles to getting to this place, as it is on an island.

You only need a horse and some potions to travel on land, but you need to have a boat ready to reach this place. Still, this isn’t too big of an issue as a rowboat is good enough to make the round trip. This is also a reason why only a few people tend to go to the cave.


4. Major Item Drops

• Lesha’s Artifact - Ranged Evasion
• Lesha’s Artifact - Ranged Damage Reduction
• Marsh’s Artifact - Ranged AP
• Atanis’ Element
• Rainbow Coral Ring
• Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
• Caphras Stone
• Mass of Pure Magic
• Ancient Spirit Dust
• Ancient Seal - Red Shard
• Fragment of the Deep Sea
• Abyssal Essence
• Trace of Nature


Combine Ancient Seal - Red Shard with Ancient Seal - Black Shard to obtain a Tungrad Ring.
Combine Fragment of the Deep Sea x5 to obtain the key to access Sycraia Underwater Ruins (Abyssal).
Note that there is also an increased chance of obtaining Specter’s Energy in this monster zone.


5. User Density

The blue-grade Rainbow Coral Ring can be obtained from defeating the protties here. In addition to that, Abyssal Essence (used to craft Frenzy Draught) and other items make this area popular among those Adventurers who do not mind having to sail a bit off the coast.


Sycraia Underwater Ruins (Upper)

Adventurers will find damaged ancient weapons within these ruins. They’ve lost their power while defending the place against the threat from Protty Cave and outside invaders. They are heavily damaged and are no longer able to use their powerful attacks, but they still pose a substantial threat to Adventurers.
There are scores of them to contend with, so let your guard down for even a moment and you’re likely to face an endless onslaught and a surefire death.

The entrance to Sycraia Underwater Ruins can be difficult to find for first-time visitors. You’ll need to find the location shown in the World Map screen (hotkey: M) below.


 Location of Sycraia Underwater Ruins in the world map.

Go to the location marked on the world map, then you need to dive underwater to find the entrance.
There are four entrances to the Sycraia Underwater Ruins: North, South, East, and West.
If you’re having a hard time finding an entrance, don’t forget to come back up for air before continuing your search.
Also note that if you try to enter the ruins through any other way than these four entrances, you will be blocked by a force field.


You can recover stamina by pressing “F” while floating above the water.
Of course, the preferred way of reaching this location would be by ship, as you will be able to simply return to the ship and recover if you start to run low on stamina or breath.

This is what the entrance to the upper zone of Sycraia Underwater Ruins looks like from a distance.
The view inside the upper zone of Sycraia Underwater Ruins.

Key Points



Recommended Level

Lv. 58


Distance From Town


It’s really far from shore.

User Density


People tend to not come here because it is so far away.



If you have full boss gear, then you’re good to go!

Hunting Satisfaction


There are tons of monsters clumped together so it feels great.

Unique Drops


Tungrad Ring

Ancient Seal - Red Shard

Ancient Seal - Black Shard

Mount Parking Location


Park your boat above the ruins.


1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 60 ~ 62 monsters
• Melee: Damaged Kureba, Damaged Lykin, Damaged Pirash
2) Features
There is a huge amount of damaged pirash in the upper zone. You need to be careful of them, as you will pull a large group by just hitting one of them.
Damaged lykins and damaged kurebas sometimes use their powerful attacks to knock Adventurers down. Adventurers may need to dodge their attacks to stay out of trouble.
Tons of these monsters are clumped together so you can dish out punishment en masse!

You will not be able to bring a horse to carry your items, so more careful item management may be necessary.


2. Level/Equipment Requirements

If you are fully decked out in boss gear and have decent accessories, you should have no problem demolishing the monsters here.
However, there are a few inconveniences that exist as it is located offshore. That is a major reason why Adventurers tend not to crowd here too much.
That also means that you can have a great time plowing through monsters here as it is unlikely for you to bump into many other people during your time here.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions
Always be careful of damaged pirashes. Hitting one of them will immediately aggro any others nearby.
Damaged lykins and damaged kurebas sometimes use powerful attacks. They telegraph these attacks, so it’s best to recognize this early and react to them before they destroy you.

Damaged Lykin (Left), Damaged Kureba (Right)

2) Key Locations and Route
This monster zone is fairly wide, so try coming up with your own efficient route.


Additionally, you cannot see where you are on the world map, so you will need to use the objects in the surrounding area to navigate. Just keep at it till you memorize an easy route to follow.


Be sure to be well prepared before heading out here, as you will be very far from shore.


4. Major Item Drops

• Tungrad Ring
• Lesha’s Artifact - Ranged Evasion
• Lesha’s Artifact - Ranged Damage Reduction
• Marsh’s Artifact - Ranged AP
• Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
• Caphras Stone
• Mass of Pure Magic
• Ancient Spirit Dust
• Sealed Black Magic Crystal
• Ancient Seal - Red Shard
• Ancient Seal - Black Shard
• Fragment of the Deep Sea
• Abyssal Essence
• Ancient Creature’s Scale


Combine Ancient Seal - Red Shard with Ancient Seal - Black Shard to obtain a Tungrad Ring.
Combine Fragment of the Deep Sea x5 to obtain the key to access the abyssal zone.
Combine Ancient Creature’s Scale x5 to obtain the item to break the seal of the imprisoned Sycrid.


Note that there is also an increased chance of obtaining Specter’s Energy in this monster zone.


5. User Density

This monster zone is a treasure trove of items, including Abyssal Essence (used to make Frenzy Draught), the powerful Tungrad Ring, the combinable materials Ancient Seal - Red Shard & Black Shard (used to make the Tungrad Ring), Ancient Creature's Scale (used to release Sycrid from its seal), and more.


However, the monsters that drop this valuable loot are formidable. You will not only need high AP, but high DP as well to withstand their beating.


Sycraia Underwater Ruins (Abyssal)

It is harder than the infamous Hystria Ruins in Valencia, but the rewards are said to be even better. Only well-prepared Adventurers with the best gear can survive in this monster zone.


This is where the fully operational ancient weapons pirash, lykin, kureba, and elmermol are found.


The abyssal zone of Sycraia Underwater Ruins is a large-scale monster zone. There are areas in between where you have to swim across to get to another part of the ruins.
Similar to the upper zone, you will not be able to find your location on the world map. You will need to familiarize yourself with the surrounding elements.


Look for the structure shown in the picture above, inside the upper zone.
You need an item to interact with the structure shown above to enter the abyssal zone.
The item is obtainable from both the upper zone and Protty Cave.
If you are not able to get them there, you might be able to find them available for purchase on the Central Market.
Place x5 “Fragment of the Deep Sea” in a “+” formation in your inventory and combine them to make the “Memories of the Deep Sea.”

Key Points



Recommended Level

Lv. 60+


Distance From Town


It’s really far from shore.

User Density


This monster zone is only for Adventurers with the best gear.



A split-second decision can mean life or death.

Hunting Satisfaction


Powerful monsters, amazing rewards.

Unique Drops


Ancient Power - Black Shard

Ancient Power - Red Shard

Tungrad Ring

Mount Parking Location


Leave your boat above the upper zone ruins.


1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 65 ~ 66 monsters
• Melee: Elmermol, Kureba, Lykin, Pirash
• Others: Force Field Defender, Eyes of the Deep Sea, Tower of Restoration

Left to right: Force Field Defender, Eyes of the Deep Sea and Tower of Restoration.
The view inside the Abyssal Zone.

2) Features
If you’re used to the Hystria Ruins of Valencia, think of this monster zone as the next step in your adventures in ancient ruins.
If the force field defenders, eyes of the deep sea, and towers of restoration are left to their own devices, you may not survive the fight. Be sure to take them out first.


The area is large enough that even if you see another Adventurer here, you should be able to go on your own route without much trouble.


You will need to stay on high alert the whole time you are here, so defeating monsters for a prolonged amount of time may be difficult.


2. Level/Equipment Requirements

As was mentioned before, this monster zone is harder than the Hystria Ruins of Valencia.
We are providing guidelines for how much AP and DP you will need, but the most important factor is your skill and concentration.
If you find this place too difficult to tackle on your own, ask a friend or other Adventurers in chat to form a party with you.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions
This place may be difficult for a single person to go on their own. As it is a hard monster zone, you may want to group together with other like-minded Adventurers.
It is recommended for you to go as a party, but you can try it out solo once you're used to the area.


You can never let your guard down, especially at night when the monsters grow stronger.
Despite all this, the allure of the expensive loot is sure to keep top-tier Adventurers coming back.
2) Key Locations and Route
Like in the upper zone, you will also not be able to find your location on the world map during your time here. You will need to familiarize yourself with the surrounding elements and make your own route.


Note that you can enter different caves that are separated by water. Explore the whole place to find your own spot.


4. Major Item Drops

• Tungrad Ring
• Kehelle’s Artifact - Max Stamina
• Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
• Caphras Stone
• Ancient Spirit Dust
• Sealed Black Magic Crystal
• Ancient Seal - Red Shard
• Ancient Seal - Black Shard
• Abyssal Essence
• Ancient Creature’s Scale
• Traveler’s Map


Combine Ancient Seal - Red Shard with Ancient Seal - Black Shard to obtain a Tungrad Ring.
Combine Ancient Creature’s Scale x5 to obtain the item to break the seal of the imprisoned Sycrid.


5. User Density

Tungrad Ring, Ancient Power - Red Shard & Black Shard, Ancient Creature's Scale, and other drops from here are sold at high prices on the Central Market.
However, that goes without saying, this place is a challenge even for the best out there.
Many will die at the hands of the ancient weapons if they lose their focus for even one moment.


Still, if you feel like you’re ready for the challenge and want to try getting these great items, then dive in to find the abyssal zone of Sycraia Underwater Ruins.


* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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