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Guide de l'aventurier

The Great Expedition

Dernière modification : 24 oct. 2024, 13:15 (UTC)

This page is centered around the various features available with The Great Expedition. For the basics on sailing and bartering, necessary to enjoy the activities described here, please check the [Sailing & Bartering] page.


Many sailors have gathered at the taverns and inns of Velia and Port Epheria to find a captain who would sail to the broad ocean, as rumors circulate of a renewed interest in what the Great Ocean can offer.
Islands in the ocean are full of papu and otter barterers who are competing with each other to barter with Adventurers.
People who have tried to cross the ocean are now drifting in Margoria, and each of them has their own reasons to be in such a situation.
Meanwhile, a strange current coming from the mysterious island of Oquilla's Eye has caused bizarre sea creatures to drift to the innermost parts of the seas of Calpheon and Balenos, threatening the people living there.


The Great Expedition adds several maritime features to content available in the Great Ocean. Upgrade your ship or build a new one, hire your crew, and go barter and fight monsters on the huge and vast ocean.
Follow Jarette Domongatt's request and unravel the mysteries behind Oquilla's Eye and the Vell Pirates. Gather your guild and dare confront Khan, Eye of the Ocean.
Discover the secrets behind the fog-ridden never before seen island of Crow's Nest from where the First Crow operates.
From the docks of Grándiha, off the coast of Kamasylvia, follow the Lamute Gang into the eternal war in the island of otters and papus, Papua Crinea.
These adventures, and more, await you.

Before adventuring in the Great Ocean for the first time, try to get a compass. You can get one by purchasing "Part for Explorer's Compass" x3 in the Central Market. Merge three parts of the compass and get a temporary compass for 3 days.
With a compass you will be able to see the minimap and use the automatic navigation in the Great Ocean.


Several questlines can be found all over the islands and seas, started from either the locals or from mysterious paintings you have obtained.
The main questlines that will drive you out of the mainland to explore what the ocean has to offer can be found in the Suggested tab of the Quests window (hotkey: O).

◈ Balenos

Once you have completed the main questline in the territory of Calpheon, the chief of Velia, Igor Bartali, will talk to you about a rumor that has been circulating recently regarding a certain creature that is said to inhabit the islands to the north of the town.
This questline is called [The Great Expedition] Explore the Balenos Sea Islands, and will guide you to obtain the knowledge entries of the different islands north of the mainland territory of Balenos.

◈ Calpheon 

Once you have completed the main questline in the territory of Calpheon, the Black Spirit will let you know via the quest Mysterious Request that Philaberto Falasi, the wealthiest person in Port Epheria, is looking for you. He will task you with visiting the nearby islands in the seas of Calpheon to the north of the town and collect the local stories and legends from each place.
This questline is called [The Great Expedition] Explore the Calpheon Sea Islands, and will guide you to obtain the knowledge entries of the different islands north of the mainland territory of Calpheon.
Please note that after the quest Bag Full of Stories you will be given a crossroad choice, to do one of three possible quests. Each of the quests you can choose will open a new questline for you to do, but you do not have to worry about the choice you make, as once you have finished the questline you have chosen you will be able to carry out the other two. All three form a complete narrative about a certain story involving a sea creature, pirates, and ghosts, and need to be done to understand the whole picture behind what you have experienced and what is to come.

◈ Oquilla's Eye

If your character is above Lv. 50, talk to the Black Spirit to receive the quest Vigorous Velia. This is the first quest of the questline [The Great Expedition] First Sailboat into Oquilla's Eye, which will introduce you to various features and locations added with The Great Expedition.
Delve into the mystery behind Heidel's involvement with the mysterious island of Oquilla's Eye, and learn about the origins of Vell, Khan, the inhabitants of the island, and the now long gone Vell Pirates. What you discovered in the questline of Calpheon above will help you contextualize certain information you will be presented with during this journey.

◈ Crow's Nest

Tranan Underfoe, the blacksmith of Velia, has a strange tale for you of an island somewhere in the Great Ocean. Many brave sailors have searched for the Crow's Nest, yet failed to return. That is if they were lucky enough to return at all. Now, you have a chance to search for this misty island shrouded in mystery on your own. Chase after that tale and you will get to meet the owner and founder of the Crow Merchants Guild, the First Crow, and gaze upon a display of some of his most valued treasures in the Hall of Heroes. You will also be able to participate in the Pit of the Undying, a battle arena steeped in secrets.


Why did the "natives" of Oquilla's Eye hoard crow coins? What is the purpose behind the secretive headquarters of the Crow Merchants Guild? And what is really the Pit of the Undying?


The quest [Crow's Nest] A Strange Tale from the Great Ocean, given by the Black Spirit once you've above Lv. 56, will begin the [The Great Expedition] Crow's Nest, Misty Island of Mystery questline.


Finishing the questline will grant you access to the Pit of the Undying, a PvE a 1 vs 1 fighting arena.


◈ Papua Crinea

Once you have reached Lv. 58, the Black Spirit will offer the quest [Papua Crinea] An Amazing Gift Just for You that will introduce you to Grándiha, Papua Crinea, and the thousand year war between papus and otters. The Papua Crinea questlines are linked to the Lamute Gang's Adventure Journal adventure log.


Once you complete the [Papua Crinea] An Amazing Gift Just for You quest, the Lamute Gang's Adventure Journal, consisting 5 parts, will be unlocked.
This adventure log is divided into Grándiha, Papu, and Otter chapters. As you complete the chapters in order, you will be rewarded transformation scrolls for either papus or otters.


During the completion of the first questline, [The Great Expedition] Finding Papua Crinea of the Thousand Year War, you will need to complete the first book of the Lamute Gang's Adventure Journal. Unless it is completed, you will not be able to progress with the questline, or unlock the other two.

Remember to press the complete button after completing every chapter to continue with the adventure journal.

Once you have reached Papua Crinea through the quests, you will soon realize you must transform into either an otter or papu to interact, obtain knowledge, and do quests there. If not, you won't be able to even talk to them.


Progressing through the Papua Crinea questlines will reward you with a 1 day use transformation scroll.

◈ For the Thousand Year War Quests

The papus and otters of Papua Crinea have been fighting each other for generations in the Thousand Year War.


Once you arrive at the island, you will be able to take a side.
If you choose to fight for the papus, you will be able to befriend Empress Papuraora, but will alienate the otters. Conversely, if you choose to fight for the otters, you will get close to General Crioniak, but get on bad terms with the papus.
If your amity with Empress Papuraora or General Crioniak falls below -2500, you will not be able to talk with papus or otters (depending on which authority figure you are on bad terms with), even if you are transformed into one of them. For example, if you have low amity with Empress Papuraora, even if you are transformed into a papu you will not be able to converse with other papus.


Unlike the papus and otters you may have encountered throughout the continent, those on Papua Crinea were so isolated from the mainland that they do not know how to communicate with you in your language, so you will need to transform into one of them to interact with both sides.


You can receive the [For the Thousand Year War] Stoneback Crab Training questline from Benns Moanna (Papu) or Benns Morio (Otter) at Bloodshed Beach as you progress through the Papua Crinea quests.


These quests consist of the following:

For the Thousand Year War Quests
Quest Type of Stoneback Crab
Type of Papu Transformarion Scroll
Type of Otter Transofmration Scroll
#1 Dumb Stoneback Crab Brave Pine Blader Gallant Conch Blader
#2 Mediocre Stoneback Crab Immortal Persimmon Knight Undefeated Crab Knight
#3 Intelligent Stoneback Crab Holy Date Priest Holy Sea Cucumber Priest
#4 Extraordinary Stoneback Crab Dreamy Bubble Shaman Ruinous Puffer Shaman
#5 Bloodthirsty Stoneback Crab Frosty Chestnut Slinger Fierce Lobster Boxer
You can receive the transformation scroll (1 day) by talking to Benns Moanna or Benns Morio at Bloodshed Beach as you progress through each quest. The quality and number of the transformation scroll (1 day) will increase as the Stoneback Crab quests' difficulty increases.
For example, on your 3rd quest, you can receive 3 transformation scrolls from the NPC: Brave Pine Blader Transformation Scroll (1 day), Immortal Persimmon Knight Transformation Scroll (1 day), and Holy Date Priest Transformation Scroll (1 day).
- You cannot accept the [For the Thousand Year War] Stoneback Crab Training quests for papu and otter at the same time. If you have already accepted the quest for one of the two, you need to either complete or forfeit it before you can accept the other.
- You will obtain 5 types of papu / otter soldier titles after completing these quests.
- Create a party with other Adventurers who share the same goal! Transform into a papu or an otter soldier and make different strategies based on each soldier's unique skills.
- You cannot attack a trainable stoneback crab with a normal character, so you must transform into a papu or an otter in order to defeat it.

◈ Mysterious Paintings

Several Adventurers speak of mysterious paintings that have been sighted on board of cargo ships drifting at sea and around the islands. If you are up to the task, you might want to discover their origins and the stories their creation hide.
While in possession of one of these mysterious paintings, the first quest related to each of them will become available, called Mysterious Painting: Truth Behind the Painting. Right click the item in your inventory (hotkey: I) and find the NPC that starts each questline. Each story will help you understand different aspects present in The Great Expedition in a more detailed manner.

Daily Quests

Daily quests can be found on several islands, such as Oquilla's Eye and Iliya Island. They are a good source for Sailing EXP, crow coins, and ship upgrade materials.


The following quests can be obtained from Oquilla's Eye and Iliya Island. They task you with engaging in bartering, gathering, and sea monster hunting. Most of them reward you with ship upgrade materials for caravels, galleasses, and carracks.

- [Daily] We are the Owners of this Island!
- [Daily] Precious Coral Piece
- [Daily] For the Young Otter Merchants
- [Daily] Lively Iliya Island
- [Daily] Lively Iliya Island I-III
- [Daily] Barter Goods Support I-II
- [Daily] Our Guild is not a Charity Group
- [Daily] Do You Have What it Takes?
- [Daily] Win-win Situation
- [Daily] Old Moon Guild's Candidum Hunter
- [Daily] Old Moon Guild's Nineshark Hunter
- [Daily] Old Moon Guild's Black Rust Hunter
- [Daily] Old Moon Guild's Young Candidum Hunter
- [Daily] Old Moon Guild's Young Nineshark Hunter
- [Daily] Old Moon Guild's Young Black Rust Hunter
- [Weekly] Old Moon Guild's Candidum Hunter
- [Weekly] Old Moon Guild's Nineshark Hunter
- [Weekly] Old Moon Guild's Black Rust Hunter
- [Barter] [Daily] Sailing to a Wider World


The quests available at the Dancing Marlin Tavern, in Velia, focus on bartering and sea monster hunting on an easier level, and reward you with sailing EXP.

- Delivering Goods: Baremi Island
- Delivering Goods: Narvo Island
- Delivering Goods: Tinberra Island
- Wanted: Hungry Sea Creatures
- Wanted: Cox Scouts in Disguise
- [Daily] How to Recover Sailors


Please note that the daily quests offered at the Dancing Marlin Tavern require a sailing life skill level of beginner 2.


Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log

Ravinia, who has revealed herself at Crow's Nest, offers a variety of quests. You can accept these quests in order over 7 days, and by completing each quest you will receive a special letter from Ravinia each day.

- Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log I
- Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log II
- Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log III
- Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log IV
- Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log V
- Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log VI
- Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log VII


All the above quests will reward you with a letter called Ravinia's Wiggly-Waggly Letter. Open this special letter to randomly accept an interesting quest from Ravinia. These quests will ask you to perform a variety of activities, such as bartering, meeting relevant characters, performing sea monster hunting, and more.


Complete the given quests and receive different rewards which will help you in upgrading a sailboat or frigate into a caravel or galleass, in addition to a large amount of sailing EXP and crow coins.


Ravinia's Crow Coin Shop

You can use this shop through Ravinia, the Crow Coin Exchange NPC who can be found at Crow's Nest.

Crow's Nest, as mentioned above, is the island covered in fog managed by the Crow Merchants Guild, located north of Tinberra Island. Many at sea, both wealthy and unfortunate alike, search for its location for one or another reason.


There, you can purchase items such as Khan's Concentrated Magic and other ocean-related goods such as equipment for a carrack, ship upgrade materials, or ship equipment enhancement materials.


Please note that for most of the items offered by Ravinia to be purchased with crow coins, their cost in crow coins is a lot higher than it is to obtain the item directly by yourself. As such, it is better to purchase items from Ravinia only when you need a few of a single type, in case of needing ship upgrade materials for example. Other items you will require, however, will need to be purchased from Ravinia. It is recommended to save your crow coins for when you are at that point in time.


◈ Rebinia's Shop

On Lema Island you will encounter Rebinia, Ravinia's twin sister, who has opened up a crow coin shop there and sells useful common items, as well as rare Manos accessories.

You can purchase the following items from Rebinia's shop. Remember that you can only purchase the special, limited boxes containing the items below from Rebinia on Lema Island.


– List of Items Sold by Rebinia



Types of Ships & Ship Equipment

The Great Expedition has opened many possibilities. Among them, Port Epheria has allowed for the crafting of advanced types of ship equipment parts in their ship part workshops. From small transport vessels such as the cog, to long & arduous projects such as upgrading a sailboat or frigate into their improved versions, and / or upgrade those or the base ones into a caravel or galleass, then upgrade those into one of the four types of carrack. A lot of upgrading!


These ships are accompanied by their respective green grade and blue grade ship equipment pieces, which are obtained via traditional shops, Ravinia's crow coin shop, and crafting.


◈ Types of Ship

Ships in the world of Black Desert are differentiated into small and large.


- Small ships include: rowboats, fishing boats, and Epheria cogs (Epheria Cog: Kalis-Certified & Epheria Cog: Fallen Vell Pirates' Legacy).
- Large ships include: Guild galleys, Bartali sailboats, Epheria sailboats, Epheria frigates, Epheria caravels, Epheria galleasses, and Epheria carracks (Advance, Balance, Volante, and Valor).


This section will only tackle the Epheria cog and the awarded Epheria galleon. For information regarding how to obtain and upgrade all large ships starting with the Bartali sailboat, please check the [Ship Upgrading] page. Likewise, for information on the guild galley, please check the [Guild Mounts] page.

- Call Ship / Find Location: Use this feature if your ship is obstructed by terrain and hard to maneuver. Simply move a certain distance away and call your ship to a preferred location.
* The "Call Ship" button, located next to the "Call Mount" button at the top left of the screen, is available when you are within 0 to 80 units of distance from your ship.
◈ Epheria Cog

Its default sailing speed is high, but its durability is low, making it vulnerable to the sea monsters' attacks. Commonly used to travel between the islands near the mainland, it is not recommended to use it to sail the high seas beyond the Ross Sea.


It can use the Breezy Sail skill by default, which will help you reach your objective quickly, and more importantly, battle going against strong currents and wind.


When its lifespan ends, its sailing speed will decrease significantly and you will not be able to use the ship.


You can build the Epheria Cog in one of the following two ways. The first one is crafted with materials obtained in the mainland, while the second one is crafted with materials obtained with activities related to The Great Expedition.

Epheria Cog: Kalis-Certified
Shipyard Level 2 Materials Acquisition
Ship Building Permit: Epheria Cog
Purchase from Falasi for 7 million Silver
Palm Plywood x50
Gathering, Processing
Flax Fabric x60
Gathering, Processing
Standardized Timber Square x25
Gathering, Processing
Zinc Ingot x50
Gathering, Processing
Epheria Cog: Fallen Vell Pirates' Legacy
Shipyard Level 2 Materials Acquisition
Island Tree Coated Plywood x100
Exchange LEvel 2 sea trade goods for it
Zinc Ingot x100
Exchange Level 2 sea trade goods for it
Seaweed Stalk x1
Oquilla's Eye
Tide-Dyed Standardized Timber Square x2
Defeat Sea Monsters
◈ Epheria Galleon

The Epheria galleon is one of the greatest ships the world of Black Desert has ever seen.


It can be obtained in two ways:

– When a special barter appears during barter, there is a low chance for the item "Epheria's Star" to be obtainable.

– The guild victorious in a conquest war in the territories of Calpheon, Mediah, and Valencia is rewarded the item "Epheria's Star".


Please note you will find it in the guild's storage. Only the guild master can move Epheria's star from the guild storage, and award a deserving guild member via the Present button found at the bottom of the guild's storage window.



With this item in your inventory, you can accept a special quest from Philaberto Falasi in Port Epheria. Complete this quest to obtain the ship license for an Epheria galleon, and the Captain Epheria title, which is a temporary title that lasts for 7 days.


➤ For more information about this ship, please check the [Sailing & Bartering] page.


◈ Ship Equipment

The necessary materials to upgrade the equipment pieces for green grade old ship equipment can be forcefully enhanced from any enhancement level.
These equipment pieces use Tidal Black Stones to be enhanced, and these can be obtained by exchanging Lv. 1 barter trade goods with any of Ravinia's sisters.


Ravinia and her sisters are located in the following locations:

- Crow's Nest: Ravinia
- Iliya Island: Revinia
- Epheria: Ruvinia
- Velia: Rovinia

◈ Green Grade Equipment

You can purchase green grade equipment for Epheria caravel and Epheria galleass from Philaberto Falasi in Port Epheria.


You can enhance these ship equipment pieces with Tidal Black Stone available via bartering, quests, or the crow coin shop.

◈ Caravel/Galleass Blue Grade Equipment

Different from regular ship items, the enhancement level of these ship equipment pieces will not decrease even if the enhancement fails.
You can craft blue grade equipment for the Epheria caravel and the Epheria galleass in the ship part workshop (level 4) located at Port Epheria 1-4, 2F.
◈ Carrack Green Grade Equipment 

Green grade equipment for the Epheria carracks can be bought in the crow coin shop via Ravinia or Rebinia. They're named:

- Epheria Carrack: Toro Sail
- Epheria Carrack: Toro Figurehead
- Epheria Carrack: Toro Cannon
- Epheria Carrack: Toro Plating


This equipment is enhanced with Tidal Black Stone.

◈ Carrack Blue Grade Equipment

Blue grade equipment for the carracks can be crafted at Chiro's ship part workshop located at the house at Iliya Island 3.
At this workshop you can craft the 16 blue grade Epheria carrack ship parts, as well as the Tidal Black Stone which is needed to enhance them.


Please note that the type of ship parts must match the type of Epheria carrack you own.


For a more detailed account on the different types of ship equipment pieces for all these types of ships and how to obtain them, please check the Ship Upgrading page linked above.


Oquilla's Eye

In addition to being central to the storyline presented in The Great Expedition, a strange natural phenomenon occurs at Oquilla's Eye every 3 hours. Many say they witnessed a waterspout rising from the center of Oquilla's Eye, but no one knows why this happens. You could get seriously injured if you are in the water when this happens, due to the power of the rising water. 
This phenomenon at the center of Oquilla's Eye also spews up lost treasures from the depths of the ocean, so watch out for chests falling from the sky.


A system message will be displayed every 3 hours while you are on the island. After a while, a waterspout will rise from the center of Oquilla's Eye. If your character is at this location when this happens, your character could die. There are no death penalties for dying from the waterspout.

- A waterspout causes three large explosions.
- Various types of treasure chest will fall after a waterspout, which you can open by using silver keys. These keys can be obtained while fishing, or purchased from the Central Market.
- These treasure chests disappear after 1 minute.
- You can receive the following items from the treasure chests.

Wooden Chest Chest Decorated with Bronze Chest Decorated with Silver Chest Decorated with Gold
Tear of the Ocean
Tear of the Ocean
Tear of the Ocean
Tear of the Ocean
Ruddy Manganese Nodule
Ruddy Manganese Nodule
Seaweed Stalk
Ruddy Manganese Nodule
Lost Low Quality Trade Goods
Lost Medium Quality Trade Goods
Ruddy Manganese Nodule
Seaweed Stalk
Ancient Gold Coin
Lost Low Quality Trade Goods
Lost High Quality Trade Goods
Lost High Quality Trade Goods
Ancient Silver Coin
Ancient Gold Coin
Lost Medium Quality Trade Goods
Lost Medium Quality Trade Goods
Ancient Bronze Coin
Ancient Silver Coin
Lost Low Quality Trade Goods
Ancient Iron Coin
Ancient Bronze Coin
Ancient Iron Coin
The otter merchants of Oquilla's Eye will trade rare items from the depths of the ocean for various items you can collect out at sea.
These merchants make an appearance every hour. You will receive a system message while you are on the island when a merchant appears.

◈ Khan, Eye of the Great Ocean

A fearsome guild boss, said to be related to the world boss Vell, is rumored to appear in the center of Oquilla's Eye. Some say its concentrated magic can be employed by skilled alchemists to craft powerful alchemy stones that are useful both in combat and outside of it.


➤ Please read more about it in the [Guild Boss] page.


Sea Monsters and the Sea of Silence

Due to the waves from Oquilla's Eye, large numbers of sea monsters have been spotted moving into the coastal seas. Do not worry too much, though, as they are as startled as you to find themselves there, and as such do not initiate combat on their own.


You can find hungry hekarus and ocean stalkers dwelling along the coasts of islands, young hekarus and young ocean stalkers roaming the areas south of Padix Island and the wide northern area of Lema Island, and hekarus and ocean stalkers lurking in the areas of the Ross Sea and Margoria.


Once you go beyond Margoria, you will start to encounter ninesharks, candidums, and black rusts. These are more stronger than the previously mentioned, and you will need to build stronger ships to confront them. It is recommended to not engage in battle against these monsters unless you possess a caravel or galleass.


Remember that defeating sea monsters gives you sailing and sailor EXP.



The Sea of Silence, pictured above, confuses even the most thorough investigator.
With the strange events happening at the Al Halam Sea near Orisha Island, the people of Altinova now refer to the area as the "Sea of Silence." It is an area where sea currents and wind have died, and survivors of vessels that have crossed it speak of hostile, derelict ships appearing out of nowhere.


There is a high chance of phantom ships appearing here. You will receive rewards you can sell to merchants in towns when you defeat them.


Cox Pirates' Shadow Ghost is an encounter you can come across in various areas of the coastal seas, and has a low chance to drop summon scroll pieces.
Combine 5 of these scroll pieces to craft a summon scroll to make the Cox Pirates' Ghost appear.


The reward for facing and defeating the Cox Pirates' Ghost is a choice between the different types of Cox Pirates' artifacts (parley beginner, parley expert, or combat).


Papua Crinea

As mentioned in the questlines section above, transformation scrolls are necessary to survive in Papua Crinea.
Papus and otters are at war with each other, so they do not trust outsiders. They will only speak in their own languages if you approach them without transforming.


Now, here's how to use these transformation scrolls.



◈ Lamute Gang's Darkcloud Shapeshifting Dictionary

You can transform into the following otters and papus with the help of the Darkcloud Shapeshifting Dictionary from the Lamute Gang.




Panipani Villager

Queekity Thumpity Moon Villager

Brave Pine Blader

Gallant Conch Blader

Immortal Persimmon Knight

Undefeated Crab Knight

Holy Date Priest

Holy Sea Cucumber Priest

Dreamy Bubble Shaman

Ruinous Puffer Shaman

Frosty Chestnut Slinger

Fierce Lobster Boxer

  • There are both 1 day and permanent versions of transformation scrolls.
    • You can get permanent transformation scrolls of the following through the quest line.
      • Brave Pine Blader, Gallant Conch Blader
      • Immortal Persimmon Knight, Undefeated Crab Knight
  • If you lose the permanent transformation scrolls for the above papus and otters, you can go to NPC Benns Moanna or Benns Morio (depending on the race you want to transform into) and pay them two Benns coins. This only works if you have already received the scrolls via the relevant Adventure Log quests and need a replacement.
  • 1 day use transformation scrolls can be obtained as rewards from [For the Thousand Year War] quests during the Papua Crinea questlines.
  • Panipani Villager and Queekity Thumpity Moon Villager transformation scrolls can be purchased from Benns Moanna and Benns Morio at 100,000 silver each after completing the quests [Papua Crinea] Moanna, Papu's Friend and [Papua Crinea] Morio, Otter's Friend.
  • To talk to NPCs, obtain knowledge entries, and progress quests on both Papuraora Island and Crioniak Island, you must be transformed into one of the 6 types of otter or papu mentioned above.
  • All papu and otter types have different skill sets, which can be seen at the bottom right once you transform into them.
  • Transformation scrolls can only be used in certain places where you cannot be seen by otters or papus. Right click a scroll at a designated location to transform.
  • Heading over to the opposing island will result in you getting attacked by guards and canceling the transformation. And you cannot talk to opposing island NPCs.

◈ How to Get Transformation Scrolls

Transformation scrolls can be obtained from quests. Below is an example from the otters' point of view.
Once you complete the [Papua Crinea] Morio, Otter's Friend quest, you will be rewarded a Queekity Thumpity Moon Villager Transformation Scroll (1 day). If the scroll is depleted or you lost it for some reason, you can always visit Benns Morio to purchase it again. The one sold in the shop is for permanent use.

◈ How to Use Transformation Scrolls

1. Right clicking on a transformation scroll will show you a spot where you can transform with a pillar of light.

2. Use the scroll and press R to transform into the summoned otter or papu.

3. Going to the papu island as an otter or vice versa will result in you being attacked by guards and transformation will be lifted.

4. Some actions, such as summoning the Black Spirit or fishing, will be limited while you are transformed.

Limitations are similar to those when you are riding a horse.

As in, you cannot fish or call the Black Spirit while on a horse, but you can talk to NPCs.

So, if you need to talk to the Black Spirit, press Shift + R to end transformation.


◈ Rare Creatures

On Papua Crinea, you will encounter rare creatures which are hardly found on the main continent, and difficult to discern.


- Lazy Rock Spirit
- Lazy Cloudy Rain Mushroom


These two monsters do not attack you first, and are well disguised, which makes it hard to find them. You cannot attack them with a normal character. Only a papu or an otter will be able to.


◈ Coins

Lamute Gang's Benns Coin

Can be obtained with Grándiha's daily quests. Lamute Gang's Benns Coin x1 can be exchanged for Rainbow Petal Coin x1 or Rainbow Fish Bone Coin x1 from Benns Lamute.

Rainbow Petal Coin

Coins used as currency by the papus and the otters. Can be obtained by completing the Papuraora Island and Crioniak Island quests.

Rainbow Fish Bone Coin


There are 3 types of coins available related to Papua Crinea.
You can obtain the following with Rainbow Petal Coins or Rainbow Fish Bone Coins.


Items You Can Exchange Rainbow Petal Coins for:

- Papu's Beloved Flower, from Chief Benitu of the Panipani Village.
- Holy Date Priest Transformation Scroll (Permanent) and Dreamy Bubble Shaman Transformation Scroll (Permanent) from Benns Moanna of the Lamute Gang.


Items You Can Exchange Rainbow Fish Bone Coins for:

- Otter's Beloved Dried Fish from Jabuo of the Ardal Fish Market.
- Holy Sea Cucumber Priest Transformation Scroll (Permanent) and Ruinous Puffer Shaman Transformation Scroll (Permanent) from Benns Morio of the Lamute Gang.


Sea Monster Habitats

Scattered across the Great Ocean, several types of sea monsters call various areas their habitat. If you are thinking of sailing the high seas in search of them, be it for silver or fame, make sure to prepare appropriately. The further away from the continent you are, the stronger sea monsters you will encounter. Additionally, each sea monster zone is tailored for a specific type of reward. Before getting into your ship and leaving port, make sure to check the list below to know where you want to be headed, and for what reason.
Monster Zone Trait
Saltwater Crocodile Habitat Materials for Chiro's Ship Parts (used on Carracks)
Lekrashan Habitat Sea Crystals (used on ships)
[Predator of Vadabin] Black Rust Habitat Black Stones for enhancing ship equipment
Goldmont Pirate Territory
Sailor/Sailing/Combat EXP Gains
Sea Crystals and Black Stones of enhancing ship equipment at a lower drop rate than Lekrashan and [Predator of Vadabin] Black Rust Habitats
Ocean Stalker
Young Hekaru
Youn Ocean Stalker
Sea of Silence
Young Candidum
Young Nineshark
Young Black Rust
Materials to upgrade Galleass and Caravels
* Tidal Black Stone, Moon Scale Plywood, etc.
Hekarus, ocean stalkers, their young variants, and the Sea of Silence area are all located in the Ross Sea or closer to the continental northern coastline.
The young and adult variants of candidums, ninesharks, and black rusts can be found in Margoria, the center of the Great Ocean. Make sure to not confuse the normal black rusts with those labeled [Predator of Vadabin]. The latter are much more deadly.
The habitat of the saltwater crocodiles is found to the far north, while the area where the mighty Lekrashan resides is to the far west. Between them you will be able to find the fleet of the Goldmont Pirates, preparing to wreak havoc.

Hollow Maretta, the Siren of the Ocean

Sightings of Hollow Maretta, the Siren of the Ocean, have been reported from the vast Margoria Sea. Unlike pirate fleets, Hollow Maretta is rarely encountered. Being a mythical creature akin to the mermaids of lore, encountering Maretta at sea is quite a feat in itself, but upon trespassing her waters, Adventurers will hear the seductive melodies of her song fill up a large area (as the background music will change immediately.) Those who dare brave their chances against Hollow Maretta will have to navigate past her summoned typhoons and Hekaru minions (and their explosive attacks). Much caution is advised.

Hollow Maretta, the Siren of the Ocean, will appear in the distant Great Ocean while singing a mysterious melody. If while navigating the Great Ocean you suddenly hear a mysterious melody accompanied by a beautiful voice, this means that Hollow Maretta is somewhere nearby. With a school of Hekaru she "siren-aded" herself, Hollow Maretta lays waiting, luring unsuspecting seafarers to their watery graves.


You can find Hollow Maretta not only by her singing, but also by following the blue sea spirits.



Defeat Hollow Maretta, the Siren of the Ocean, to obtain the following items according to a set probability.


Major Loot

Siren Song Aura (guaranteed)

Moss-Covered Map

Oquilla's Flower

Tidal Black Stone

Wooden Nail Soaked in Seawater

Finely Polished Pine Plywood

Glue With Traces of Deep Waves

Margoria Crystal

Zulatia Crystal

Serni Crystal

Sethra's Artifact - Life EXP, Sethra's Artifact - Life Skill Mastery

Sethra's Artifact - Sailing EXP, Sethra's Artifact - Sailing Mastery

Resplendent Lightstone of Flora

Siren song auras are employed for crafting the Manos Sailing Log.

* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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