Black Desert va commencer dans quelques instants.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert si le jeu ne se lance pas.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert pour lancer le jeu.

Le jeu sera lancé si le lanceur est déjà installé.
Si rien ne se produit, veuillez lancer vous-même le lanceur.

Guide d'installation

1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

2 Lancez le jeu une fois l'installation terminée.

Guide de l'aventurier


Dernière modification : 23 oct. 2024, 14:27 (UTC)

Amity is the value that shows the friendliness you have with an NPC, and is family-wide.


You can increase your amity with an NPC by having a conversation in the field that NPC is interested in, or by greeting them. Certain quests will also increase your amity with them.


However, if you get caught stealing from them or doing an action that the NPC does not like, your amity with them will decrease.




When you interact with an NPC (hotkey: R), their interaction interface will open. In the top left corner of this window you will see their name, your amity with them, and what can be unlocked by raising it. In this case, you can see that at 150 amity points you can unlock a knowledge entry from Crio, the fish vendor of Velia, and at 200 and 400 points a couple of quests.




Your amity with the NPC is also shown in the top left corner of the screen when having a conversation with them.


Amity Reward

When your amity with an NPC goes up, you may be rewarded.


Some of these rewards consume energy, such as learning a knowledge entry, or receiving a temporary buff, while others are more straightforward, such as an NPC trusting you enough to request of you a new quest.


Some knowledge entries can be only obtained via increasing your amity with a given NPC, and there are many merchants that only sell valuable items to customers they trust.


When your amity with NPCs goes up, your territorial fame does as well.
Territorial fame is the sum of all amity earned from NPCs that live in a given territory. When it goes up, information on various knowledge entries that can be earned only in that territory can be more easily obtained.



When you go near an NPC, your amity value with them and the NPC's amity-related functions are shown in a big circle.




Although there are various ways to increase amity, the easiest and more efficient way is through conversation.
You can start a conversation with an NPC by clicking on the Conversation button on their interface screen. You will be asked to fulfill a requirement by the end of the conversation round, and if you do not succeed you will not get any amity reward.


Additionally, you need to possess both enough energy to invest in the conversation, and to know enough topics the NPC is interested in.




The more knowledge entries you obtain during your journey, the more topics of conversation you will possess when the time comes to converse with NPCs.


On the left side of the NPC interface screen you will see the list of conversation topics the NPC is interested in. In the example above, the NPC is interested in topics of the Serendia Adventure Journal III, of which the Adventurer owns 16 entries out of a total of 21.



When you obtain enough interest knowledge, the topics the NPC is interested in, you can start a conversation with them. Every time you start a conversation with an NPC, you spend a certain amount of energy. This amount of energy depends on the amity you have with the NPC.
On the conversation screen the relevant NPC's constellation picture will appear.
Right click the knowledge entries located on the bottom circle, or drag and drop them, to select them for the conversation round. Once the constellation has been completed, the conversation takes place.



During a conversation there are two main attributes for every entry: interest level and favor. The interaction effects are based on how much the topic sparks interest in the NPC, and their favor.
The interest level is related to success rate, and favor is related to the amity that is obtained after the conversation has concluded.


When a conversation is successful, you are given the option to carry out consecutive conversations. Energy is not spent on consecutive conversations, so if you succeed you can obtain more amity than you would get by conversing with them again separately, but if you fail, you will also lose the gained amity from the previous consecutive conversation, so you must be careful.


You can increase the amount of Amity gained after each conversation by using special items such as potions and outfits.
For example: Elixir of Amity increases Amity gained by 20% for 10 minutes. While Calpheon Noble Suit/Dress provides a 15% permanent gain of Amity when wearing the outfits.



When you have the same horoscope constellation with an NPC, it is easier to increase amity with them. For example, you start at amity 10 instead of 1 on your first encounter, and the amount of amity gained during conversation is increased.


An NPC horoscope constellation can be checked through the background picture that appears when having a conversation with them.



In the example above, the NPC's horoscope constellation is the hammer.



Another way to increase your amity with an NPC is by exchanging greetings with them. It is a slower method, and involves an equal exchange of 3 amity earned per 3 energy consumed, but it never fails.


Additionally, it does not require having conversation topics prepared in advance.


NPC Shops

Certain NPCs might offer items for sale only to those Adventurers they deeply trust. This means you need to raise your amity with them until you meet the amity points required for the purchase.


Items that require amity are difficult to obtain, and are usually sold at a lower price compared to obtaining them from the Central Market.
However, once you purchase the item, your amity with the NPC will be consumed. You need to remember that you have to keep increasing your amity with the NPC through conversation and greetings if you want to purchase more items like that from them.



➤ You can read more about this in the [NPC Shops] page.


* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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