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Installez le lanceur Black Desert pour lancer le jeu.

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Guide d'installation

1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

2 Lancez le jeu une fois l'installation terminée.

Guide de l'aventurier

Calpheon Monster Zones

Dernière modification : 7 juin 2024, 14:51 (UTC)


You should get ready to go to southwestern Calpheon once you get to Lv. 47~48. It might be overwhelming for a beginner since the area is so big, but since the main questline will send you here and several monster zones have distinct features, we recommend you take a look around.


You can overall look around the monster zones in whatever order you want. You will see your character grows as you visit the places that suit your level. However, we recommend you to visit North Kaia Mountain, the restricted territory of the Abandoned Monastery, and Star’s End at a later time, when you’ve grown much more powerful, since the monsters in those areas will be beyond your ability to defeat right now.

Rhutum Outstation

Orcs with green skin occupy this area. Rhutums know how to speak the human tongue, craft their own weapons, and train soldiers. They even use local catfishmen as slaves. Their social structure is very similar to that of humans.

Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 48~50


Distance From Town


It’s between Calpheon and Trent

User Density


You can have the place to yourself!



Easy and Fun!

Hunting Satisfaction


Rhutums will endlessly attack you

Unique Drops


Rhutums Elite Belt, Treant Spirit’s Hope Belt

Mount Parking Location


Park at the outskirts of the post

1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 50 monsters
• Melee: Rhutum Soldier, Rhutum Elite Warrior, Rhutum Fighter, Rhutum Elite Brawler
• Ranged: Rhutum Archer, Rhutum Elite Archer, Rhutum Wizard
• Others: Rhutum Tower, Rhutum Cannon
2) Features
There are many monsters here, so you can enjoy fighting them!
You can earn Contribution EXP thanks to the daily quests in the area.
2. Level/Equipment Requirements

Combat is not that tough here, so you do not need to be wary of your level and attack power.










3. Strategies

1) Precautions
The rhutum elite monsters are pretty tough. Rhutum elite archers are strong but their endurance is pretty low, so defeat them first in order to have an easy time.


2) Key Locations and Route
There are many monsters both outside and inside the wooden wall, so you can go either way. But inside the wooden wall is a bit better than outside of it.



4. Major Item Drops

Treant Spirit’s Hope Belt
Rhutum Elite Belt
• Altar Imp Boss Summon Scroll
• Black Stone
• Ancient Spirit Dust
• Ancient Relic Crystal Shard



5. User Density

On your way to leveling up your character, if there are a lot of Adventurers in Mansha Forest, you should consider visiting this area.


Catfishman Camp

Catfishmen of all sizes live here. There have been a few reports by locals about a gigantic monster, but most of the people say that they probably confused the catfishmen with a mythical beast.
Despite the naturalization effort by Calpheon, the catfishmen here remain hostile and can be seen inhabiting Lake Kaia’s shoreline.


Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 49~51


Distance From Town


It’s very close to Calpheon!

User Density


There are more monsters than Adventurers



Easy and Fun!

Hunting Satisfaction


Feel the great sensation!

Unique Drops


Treant Spirit’s Whisper Earring

Mount Parking Location


A little dangerous. Find a safe place on the outskirts of the lake



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Level 48 monsters
• Melee: Catfishman, Fat Catfishman, Catfishman Light-armored Warrior, Otter Fisher
• Others: Catfishman Meat, Catfishman Rotten Fish
• Violent: Fat Catfishman
2) Features
There are many monsters gathered together, and they are close to one another. This way, you can continuously hunt them down.
It might be too difficult if your level is too low, and your pet might not have enough time to loot.


2. Level/Equipment Requirements

It’s not that difficult if you reach the recommended stats, but you should still think about defense because monsters will corner you down.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions
This area has normal difficulty and you can hunt endlessly since there are many monsters here. If you wish to reach level 50, this is the best place. However, keep in mind that the violent (star) fat catfishmen that appear from time to time are tough and strong, so don’t get too comfortable.


2) Key Locations and Route
There are a lot of monsters by the border of the lake, so these are good spots.

Be careful when you park your hose on the left side of the lake because there are Red Boars roaming around.



4. Major Item Drops

Treant Spirit’s Whisper Earring
• Goblin Chief Summon Scroll
• Black Stone
• Ancient Spirit Dust
• Ancient Relic Crystal Shard

5. User Density

It is a good place to hunt if your level is in the late 40s or early 50s.


Mansha Forest

The forest containing the hut of Mansha, the leader of a tribe of goblins living throughout Calpheon. Mansha is trying hard to negotiate with humans. However, they don’t have many supporters, even in their tribe. Armed Mansha goblins lurk around the forest, robbing anyone who travels nearby. It is considered to be one of Calpheon's danger areas.


Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 49~51


Distance From Town


A little far from Calpheon

User Density


Adventurers seem to like the ogres more than Mansha…



Beware of the ogres

Hunting Satisfaction


Pretty fun

Unique Drops


Ogre Ring, Treant Spirit’s Echo Ring

Mount Parking Location


A little dangerous, find a safe place!



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly level 49 monsters
• Melee: Mansha Warrior, Brown Bear, Boar, Ogre
• Ranged: Mansha Javelin Thrower
2) Features
The monsters are gathered in groups. You can hunt them from group to group.
Stay vigilant because tough ogres might appear from time to time.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

With the recommended stats, you can have fun hunting all the Mansha goblins. But if you have a low DP, be careful of the ogres.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions

Most monsters will attack from a distance, but it’s not a big problem since they are gathered together. If your stats are low, it might be difficult to fight the ogres. Their every attack is strong, and they use skill debuff skills, so it would be difficult to fight them if you just reached Lv. 50. However, if you succeed, you might get an Ogre Ring at a low chance.


2) Key Locations and Route

Mansha goblins are widely spread, so finish one area first and then move to another.



4. Major Item Drops

Ogre Ring
Treant Spirit’s Echo Ring
• Goblin Chief Summon Scroll
• Black Stone
• Soiled Ogre Ring
• Ancient Spirit Dust
• Ancient Relic Crystal Shard

5. User Density

The ‘Ogre Ring’ that the ogres drop is one of the best accessories in the entire game, so even high-level Adventurers visit the area from time to time. There are enough ogres for the area to not get too crowded, and they are not interested in the Mansha goblins, so you can hunt them at ease. If you are a brave Adventurer, you should challenge yourself and hunt down the ogres sometime.


Hexe Sanctuary

A hideout for Hexe Marie that looks like something out of a fairytale. Along with her creepy witch house, numerous bones of animals and pots filled with strange liquid add to the eerie atmosphere of this place. Hexe Marie has long been known as an evil witch who made the dead come to life to guard her sanctuary.

Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 50~52


Distance From Town


It is near Behr

User Density


Why does everyone want witch’s earring?



May be the scariest place in Calpheon?

Hunting Satisfaction


The first battle with the undead

Unique Drops


Witch's Earring

Mount Parking Location


Depends on your route


1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Level 50~52 monsters
• Melee: Skeleton, Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Wolf, Skeleton Lizard, Skeleton Witmirth, Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
• Ranged: Skeleton Archer
• Others: Crow, Gravestone, Wooden Column, Young Elk, Elk, Witch Tower
2) Features
Hexe Sanctuary offers a large area, and has a symbolic meaning as the last stop in your journey through Calpheon.
Both early level 50 and higher level Adventurers often visit it.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

There are not that many variables here, so you’ll have an easy time as long as you possess the recommended equipment.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions
The witch towers are what summon the skeletons and skeleton archers. If you want these monsters to find you, hit a witch tower one time and wait. The green orc skeleton drops the ‘Wich’s Earring’ most often, so people often search for them. Be careful not to get involved in a fight with other Adventurers!


2) Key Locations and Route
If your level is in the early 50s, you shouldn’t have much to worry about. But as mentioned earlier, the Witch Chapel’s node where the green orc skeletons appear is a popular place, so you might not be alone.



4. Major Item Drops

Witch’s Earring
• Witch of Horrors Summon Scroll
• Black Stone
• Ancient Spirit Dust
• Ancient Relic Crystal Shard

5. User Density

It’s a popular monster zone in Calpheon. You might even get the blue grade earring, ‘Witch’s Earring’ here.
If there are too many Adventurers here, consider going to Calpheon Shrine or the Abandoned Monastery instead, and then going straight to Mediah.



◈ Traitor’s Graveyard

Exiting Marie Cave, Adventurers one day came across a graveyard. Upon touching it, the grudge-bearing souls of the deceased rose from the ground, and the Adventurers realized the undead would not stop until the graveyard was destroyed. Who was the traitor? And what did they do to merit this resentment?



Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 56+


Distance From Town


It is near Behr

User Density


There is good money to be made here



Endless waves of enemies

Hunting Satisfaction



Unique Drops


Witch's Earring

Mount Parking Location


Near the cave’s entrance



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 59 monsters
• Melee: Skeleton, Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Wolf, Skeleton Lizard, Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
• Ranged: Skeleton Archer
• Others: Traitor's Gravestone
2) Features
An encounter with endless waves of enemies trying to destroy the traitor’s gravestone.


2. Level/Equipment Requirements










3. Strategies

1) Precautions

Watch out to not be overtaken by the horde of skeletons. You need to be on top of your game at all times and make sure to deal with the monsters as they appear, least you’re forced to flee from the high number of skeletons.


2) Key Locations and Route

Park your mount near the cave’s exit. As the monster zone is a stationary gravestone, there are no routes.



4. Major Item Drops

Witch’s Earring

• Black Stone

• Mass of Pure Magic

• Caphras Stone

• Ancient Spirit Dust

• Ancient Relic Crystal Shard

• Trace of Nature



5. User Density

Due to the high amount of Caphras stones one can obtain from defeating the waves of monsters here, it is pretty popular among those that need them.


North Kaia Mountain (Mutant Tree Spirit)

The entire city of Calpheon can be seen from the top of this summit. It is connected with the mountain range of southwestern Calpheon, but no one wants to go near the area due to rumors of a dragon nearby.
Recently, mutant tree spirits have been showing up, so it’s one of the most dangerous places in the territory.



Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 55~56


Distance From Town


It’s very close to Calpheon

User Density


Low, because there are not many monsters



You must learn their attack patterns

Hunting Satisfaction


It’s the best if you can have it to yourself

Unique Drops


Tree Spirit Belt

Mount Parking Location


Park near North Kaia Mountain



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 60 monsters
• Melee/Ranged: Mutant Tree Spirit
2) Features
There are not that many monsters, but each one of them is strong.
If you are at the recommended stats and have enough knowledge of their attack patterns, you can enjoy it alone.
You can defeat strong monsters by yourself, so some Adventurers come here for fun, usually when they defeat the local spawned dark rift boss.
If you get lucky, you can obtain a Tree Spirit Belt, a blue grade accessory.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

Since mutant tree spirits are designed as party-type monsters, it is more efficient to be at a certain level and have enough equipment.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions
Mutant tree spirits are capable of using both melee and ranged skills. These tree spirits let you know when they’re going for a melee attack by the way they move, so you might have time to dodge their attacks. However, you need to attack the monsters from behind, since they bombard you with continued attacks along with debuff skills.
Even if you get them from behind, they also carry out 360º attacks, so you need to know how to avoid them or defend yourself. Use food or elixirs along with high-level equipment in order to be more efficient, just like when you’re fighting against the Wilderness Golem in Mediah.


2) Key Locations and Route
The monsters are spread widely, so try to remember where they appear.



4. Major Item Drops

Tree Spirit Belt
• Black Stone
• Ancient Magic Crystal – Harphia

5. User Density

It’s not an easy type of monster to defeat, so beginner Adventurers do not tend to visit the area. The combat EXP is rarely worth it, but it’s quite popular since a dark rift boss, such as the Dim Tree Spirit, can appear here.


Star’s End

After a black meteorite crashed here, a deadly plague spread.
This place has been quarantined for the last eight years due to how dangerous it is, and is filled with infected beings that have lost their minds and turned into extremely powerful monsters.

Key Points



Recommended Level

Lv. 61~


Distance From Town


Fairly close to Calpheon Northwestern Outpost

User Density


Not as stressful as it doesn’t get crowded



The highest difficulty

Hunting Satisfaction


The best spot, if you can win

Unique Drops

Earring, Ingredient

Black Distortion Earring, Clear Blackstar Crystal

Mount Parking Location


Park far away as the area is densely populated by monsters



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Monsters are mostly around Lv. 61~65
• Melee: Harbinger of Corruption, Apostle of Corruption, Harbinger of Defilement, Apostle of Defilement, Harbinger of Immorality, Apostle of Immorality, Remnants of Corruption, Apostle of Malevolence
2) Special Features
There aren’t a lot of monsters, but each and every one of them is extremely powerful.
Look out for Traces of a Corrupt Star as they lower your defense.
Look out for Unstable Star Debris, as they will help you defeat the monsters.


You can complete the main questline for Star’s End and do the Blackstar equipment questlines here.
You can also access this monster zone via Marni’s Realm (private monster zone), allowing you to defeat monsters without any other Adventurer bothering you.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

Be vigilant, as the land is filled with dreadfully strong monsters.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions

Traces of a Corrupt Star should be destroyed first whenever you spot one, as it lowers your defense.

Make sure to destroy the Unstable Star Debris scattered around whenever you have gathered a good number of monsters, as it will weaken them.


2) Key Locations and Route

Stay alert and vigilant. The monsters are relentless.



4. Major Item Drops

Marsh’s Artifacts (Magic Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Melee Accuracy)
Black Distortion Earring
Clear Blackstar Crystal
• Mass of Pure Magic
• Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature - Adamantine
• Sealed Black Magic Crystal
• Caphras Stone
• Ancient Spirit Dust
• Black Stone
 •Trace of Nature


Note that you can use the Clear Blackstar Crystal via simple alchemy (hotkey: L) to craft Corrupted Magic Crystals, a popular magic crystal that offers Critical Hit Damage +10%, All AP +2, and All Damage Reduction -2, as well as a 2 crystal set effect: Critical Hit Damage +2%.

5. User Density

Very few Adventurers are able to subjugate the monsters here, so brace yourself.



◈ Vessel of Inquisition

The vessels of inquisition have been discovered in parts of Star's End where Adventurers rarely set foot. The rotting stench of the Blackstar from the vessels of inquisition envelopes all of Star's End, making Kzarka's apostles covet the energy contained within and grow stronger.



Strike a vessel of inquisition to call forth Kzarka's apostles, who will charge at the vessel in waves.
The apostles will attack the vessel of inquisition to obtain the energy spilling out from the fragment of the Blackstar. They will disperse once the vessel of inquisition is destroyed. In this sense, the vessels of inquisition work similarly to the traitor’s graveyard of Hexe Sanctuary, explained above.


Please note that the apostles coveting the power within the vessel are stronger than previously described Star's End monsters.
The vessel of inquisition will shatter if too many apostles coveting its power gather and attack it.


Abandoned Monastery (Restricted Territory)

The Abandoned Monastery in southwestern Calpheon has been known as a repenting ground for Elionian priests. There are occasional reports about missing Adventurers around this place, but for some reason, the Kalis hasn't sent any investigators.


Calpheon Shadow Knights in the Abandoned Monastery have become stronger due to Kzarka's blessing. In response, the inner areas of the cave complex beneath the monastery have been deemed restricted territory.



Key Points



Recommended Level

Lv. 62


Distance From Town


It’s close to Trent

User Density





The highest difficulty

Hunting Satisfaction


They don’t move in groups

Unique Drops

Earring, Ingredient

Dawn Earring, Dawn’s Resentment

Mount Parking Location


Abandoned Monastery



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 65~66 monsters (human-type)
• Melee: Calpheon Shadow Knight, Calpheon Elite Shadow Knight, Calpheon Elite Shadow Priestess, Calpheon Shadow Guard
• Ranged: Calpheon Shadow Wizard
2) Features
The monsters here have been blessed by the Lord of Corruption himself, granting them strength beyond imagination. As such, the restricted territory is a party zone, allowing groups of 2 Adventurers to loot together.


As you defeat the Shadow Knights in here, dawn’s grudges will accumulate. Once five dawn’s grudges have accumulated in the area, a server-wide message will warn of the appearance of the Specter of Belmorn.


The Specter of Belmorn is a boss-type enemy with choreographed attacks. Defeating it gives the item Dawn’s Resentment, which can be put together with others to craft the yellow grade accessory Dawn Earring.


Both Dawn’s Resentment and Dawn Earring also have a low chance to be dropped by this monster zone’s enemies.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

The number of monsters is not much, but it is narrow and dark, and the monsters are incredibly powerful, so it is quite common for Adventurers to get cornered.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions
Watch out for the falling stalactites, as they will incapacitate your character for a few seconds. This can prove fatal when in the middle of a fight against the Shadow Knights blessed by Kzarka.


2) Key Locations and Route
There is no particularly good or bad route since it’s a narrow dungeon.


The well in the Abandoned Monastery is connected to the dungeon below, and within it, you’ll need to find the passageway into the restricted territory. You can also find several other entrances to the cave complex, including one directly to the restricted territory, in the mountains to the east, from Treant Forest.



4. Major Item Drops

Marsh’s Artifacts (Magic Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Melee Accuracy)
Dawn Earring
• Dawn’s Resentment
• Black Stone
• Mass of Pure Magic
• Ancient Spirit Dust
• Ancient Relic Crystal Shard


Note that you can use Dawn’s Resentment arranged together with Mark of Shadow x2 and Shrine Guardian Token x2 to craft Dawn Earring.



5. User Density

Does not tend to be crowded.


* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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