Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Reset Mount Growth

Last Edited on : Feb 5, 2025, 11:00 (UTC)

This item can be used at a stable to reset your mount's level, ability, and all acquired skills. 


▲ Use the “Reset Mount Growth” item to reset a mount’s growth. 



● How to use the “Reset Mount Growth”:
* Can use on the following Mounts: Horses
* Cannot be used on Guild Mounts, or Mounts used through NPCs.


If you have the “Reset Mount Growth” item, open the “Reset Mount” menu to use it. It will reset the mount’s level to Lv. 1, all of its stats (Speed/Accel./Turn/Brake), and all the skills it had learned. 



When a mount gets reset to Lv. 1, it will learn one random skill according to a probability determined by its breed and tier. The probability of learning each of the skills is listed below. 


Certain mounts have a designated skill they learn at Lv. 1. For mounts that have a designated skill, the skill will not be changed even if its growth is reset. 


▲ Mounts with designated Lv. 1 skills will still learn the same skill even if their growth gets reset. 


Probability of Learning a Skill at Lv. 1 by Tier & Breed 

• Listed below are the skills a mount can learn at Lv. 1. 

• Skills that are not listed cannot be learned by using the Reset Mount Growth item. 

• Mounts that have their first skill predetermined are not listed here. 

• The probability of receiving a skill learned at Lv. 1 when using the Reset Mount Growth item are not affected by the character’s Training Mastery. 

You can see the mount’s tier and breed by opening the Mount Information window. 


▲ You can see the probability of which skills the mounts can learn at Lv. 1 according to their tier and breed.

(The breed of a mount does not change even if you used a Premium Horse Appearance Change Coupon.) 


* Search for the tier and breed of the mount by pressing “Ctrl + F” in your browser. 

* The probabilities displayed are rounded up to the second decimal place. 

The probabilities displayed show the probability of learning each skill when a Reset Mount Growth is used on a mount to reset it to Lv. 1. 


Tier Mounts Tier Probability of Learning a Skill at Lv. 1
Tier 8 Horses

Tier 8 Breed 1
Sprint 100% Sprint 100%

Tier 8 Breed 2
Sprint 100% Sprint 100%

Tier 8 Breed 3
Sprint 100% Sprint 100%

Tier 8 Breed 4
Sprint 100% Sprint 100%

Tier 8 Breed 5
Sprint 100% Sprint 100%
Tier 7 Horses

Tier 7 Breed 1
Sprint 100%

Tier 7 Breed 2
Sprint 100%

Tier 7 Breed 3
Sprint 100%

Tier 7 Breed 4
Sprint 100%

Tier 7 Breed 5
Sprint 100%

Tier 7 Breed 6
Sprint 100%

Tier 7 Breed 7
Sprint 100%

Tier 7 Breed 8
Sprint 100%

Tier 7 Breed 9
Sprint 100%
Tier 6 Horses

Tier 6 Breed 1
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 2
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 3
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 4
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 5
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 6
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 7
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 8
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 9
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 10
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 11
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 12
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 13
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 14
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 15
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 16
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 17
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 18
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 19
Sprint 100%

Tier 6 Breed 20
Sprint 100%

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